Self Expression Magazine

For the Love of Mustache

Posted on the 23 September 2013 by Jasminebhatia @jas_mine7
When I think of Mustaches I can't help but remember the famous dialog from the movie "Sharabi" where Mr Bachchan loving compliments his munshi ji (accountant) "Mooche ho toh Nathulal jaise"... :)) But if I think now...Mustaches are not only limited to grown facial hair..It has now become a global fashion trend...Its suddenly everywhere in all it in the form of apparels, accessories, shoes etc...I have even seen people with Mustache tattoos(which i find super funny)... I think this trend is super quirky and surely adds up a FUN element to a person's overall look.For the Love of Mustache

Of lately I am bitten by this trend and I love everything (non living) with big old fashioned black mustaches..So here I am sharing a few things which I am currently lusting :)) Ring SourceFor the Love of MustacheCuff SourceFor the Love of MustacheNecklace SourceFor the Love of MustacheStuds SourceFor the Love of MustacheBag Clips Source(I Love these)For the Love of MustacheCollar Pins SourceFor the Love of Mustache

Mustache Sling Bag SourceFor the Love of Mustache

Ballerinas SourceFor the Love of Mustache
What's your current obsession ?? 

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