Thank you so much for Darby Duggar for writing this amazing book "For the Love of Our Husbands." I got it about a month ago, and finished probably that same weekend. I feel horrible that I am just now writing this review but life happens.
At first I wasn't sure what to expect. I was reading another book very similar to this book, and I wasn't 100% into the book. It took me forever to actually reed. I was so wrong about this book.
The layout of the book is great and simple. It's broken up into 52 weeks with a different topic. Each week was a different challenge that is aimed towards us wives. Each section is a topic that us wives can do to improve ourselves to become more biblical wives. Following our weekly challenge is a section by "For the Love of My Husbands." This section includes a specific Scripture based prayer.
I love how the book is segmented into 52 weeks. For those you who don't know this, but the book actually started out as an email among friends that grew to millions of followers. I wish I could have been a part of this from the beginning. Being able to connect with wives from all over the world to pray for our husbands.
At first I read the book all the way through because I wanted to write a review about this as soon as possible. I didn't think it would be almost 2 months later that I would actually get a chance to review the book. I am now going back week by week to do the book the way it is written.
It is so hard to find a favorite part of the book. Each challenge left me wanting to continue reading. Topic range from praying, home life, forgiveness, and finances. She had so many great tips and tricks to be a better wife for my husband. The things that I was getting upset or annoyed with by my husband were actually things that I need to change.
One of my favorite things about this book is the Scriptures in her prayers. This is something that I have been wanting to master. I love all her prayers and have applied them to my recent prayers. It was great that my husband had also noticed.
For more information about Darby Duggar and her amazing book "For the Love of Our Husbands" contact her: Darby Duggar directly, Facebook, and Twitter.