Posted on the 09 July 2012 by Courtyb34
I bought this new mask yesterday, I saw it and I loved the color of the bottle. I also liked what the mask does! Like, what it is supposed to do. It is an Anti-Stress mask, and I felt really nervous and kind of stressed out about my driving test tomorrow, but now all it is just simple text anxiety. It really relieved the 'stress' that I had in my face, and believe it or not, you do get stress in your face, especially when you squint a lot. This mask also purifies and clears pores.What I like about it, is that it has dead sea minerals in it. Extra brownie points! :) I have done a review on Freeman masks before, I have an avocado one. That one puts in a bunch of unneeded moisture into my face. I love having my face clean and moisture rich, but in the summer when I sweat, I don't need a moisture rich mask, I need a pore clearing one, and that is exactly what this mask does! I splashed my face with warm water, to open my pores to let the mask in, I took a wash cloth and doused it with warm water and I put it over my face. When I opened the mask to put it on my face, I was surprised by the mask color... the mask was full on BLUE! Like the color of the bottle. Full of teal/blue. I thought it was going to be like a sea foam green. All other masks are like that. This one was quite different! It was actually very fun putting blue facial mask all over my face. I was a little worried that it might stain my face, but it didn't!For the pictures, it was a little hard to smile. I didn't want to wrinkle the mask. I had it one for a few minutes before I took the pictures, so it had a chance to dry a little... that was kind of a bad idea... but I got the pictures done!Yeah, so my face was blue earlier today!I left it on for about 20 minutes. It took a little long to dry. The bottle says to leave it on till it dries. It felt SO GOOD. It felt really good on my face. I could feel my pores soaking it in and it felt so nice. I love facial masks where they tingle on your face. It's a great feeling! It was easy to take off! My face was not stained blue, thank goodness. It did however leave my face feeling AMAZING. And looking AMAZING! I give this mask a 10 out of 10! I really like it and it does really good for my skin. I recommend this product to anyone who has some breakouts or wants a simple clearing mask for the summer. It feels so nice, like a wonderful facial. Oh, by the way... I got this product at WinCo! Who woulda thunk it? Ha! I bet you could probably find it at Ulta and possibly Fred Meyer... But I found it at WinCo for like $2.98 or something. This product is definitely going on my 'LOVE' list.Here is the website: you enjoyed seeing my face blue :)