Diaries Magazine

Guest Post: Fitness and Nutrition with Cancer

Posted on the 11 July 2012 by Thesecretlifeofjen

Read on about the benefits of fitness and eating healthy during and after a diagnosis of any kind of cancer. Thank you to David Haas, a cancer support group and awareness program advocate at the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance.

The Importance Of Fitness for a Cancer Patient – David Haas

Exercise and fitness is an important aspect for good health.  It can’t be stressed enough that keeping blood flowing is good for the heart and lungs as well as for strengthening and toning muscles. Inactivity adds to joint pain and stiffness. There are many benefits in keeping physically fit such as controlling weight, preserving healthy muscles, joints, and bones and reducing risk of high blood pressure and diabetes.

A patient that is suffering with cancer, whether just diagnosed, in treatment, or in remission, needs to realize the importance of fitness in the healing process, as endorsed by the National Cancer Institute.  Whether you have been affected with mesothelioma cancer, lung, bone, breast or other cancers, fitness and exercise is critical for strength and energy.

Some claim that fitness is associated with the reduced risk of many cancers, such as colon, breast, lung and endometrial cancers. Although these statistics have been stressed over and over, most Americans (and Australians) do not engage in a regular fitness activity or program. Even a mild physical activity can have its benefits for a cancer patient’s overall health.

Someone with cancer can benefit greatly from good nutrition and a physical lifestyle for improving stamina. Being physically active reduces the risk of diabetes, lowers blood pressure and improves cardiovascular health. Breathing becomes easier with enhanced lung capacity.

Going through cancer can leave a person anxious, depressed, and disheartened. As a result, you may feel like a burden to those around you.  Exercise and fitness has a way to benefit mental health by improving an individual’s feelings and emotions with increased mobility. Feeling good gives you more hope in future activities that you once enjoyed.

Without fitness and exercise, you are unable to do simple things like walk, as you are easily fatigued. As a result, you can’t even visit friends, run simple errands, and sustain independence. This does not mean that you need to run a marathon in order to feel good and have more energy. It is all a matter of being more active than you currently are – taking a few extra steps each day. A good brisk walk daily can do wonders to get the metabolism moving. Little steps like walking instead of driving, parking further away, and walking your dog regularly is a great beginning for muscle strength and improved stamina.

A person that has difficulty walking or is more immobilized can benefit from mild stretching exercises. Some soothing, but beneficial exercises, may include Yoga, Pilates, or balance ball exercises. Exercise bands work well as well. You should choose a plan, program or even a sport that you enjoy such as swimming, riding a bike, jogging or regular walking. As you become more fit, your self-confidence will improve. It is not about quantity, but quality, in order to raise your energy level and provide a better quality of life.

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