Gunpowder Square EC4...
Gunpowder Square EC4 serves up a collection of the usual ornate/dandy bollards and these remarkable sturdy looking tank stoppers that certainly command the space environment they happen to take up.
If we take a look at the three bollards in the picture (above) we see/note that they have been recently painted/redecorated . If we take a close look at the picture (below) we see a bollard with a square base that quickly tapers towards the red painted ridge which then morphs and tapers outwards to a main tall octagonal shaped column painted a gloss black color. The main body then tapers inwards slightly where we have a red shaped area followed by white with red stars upon. Another much larger red ridged/boxed area leads us finally to a flatter orange squeezer stile top. If we actually look down at top of bollard you would see the top domed area is actually has a raised star shape upon its top.
I do like the circular stone brick work surrounding the base of each of these bollards again some intricate work has gone into this open squared spaced used by City of London workers.
A sturdy/chunky City of London bollard...
Bollards of London...
PS if you enjoy this blog/site and please do take a look at my new blog/site created entirely by you and your pictures/photographs of bollards/posts throughout Britain at 'Bollards of Britain' #thankyou all once again for providing me with excellent #guestbollards.