Posted on the 10 September 2012 by Courtyb34
Kenzie and I have had our ups and downs, but I'm glad I can count on her! For the past three weekends, we have been hanging out! For the past two weekends, we have had bon fire parties! On Saturday night, we had our big bon fire party! About 12 people showed up! It was a blast! A couple weekends ago, our first bon fire party, not many people showed up, but it was still fun! Before the bon fire, Kenzie and I set up the lights and strung them from tree to house and on the lawn, making a cute little lit up area. It was so cute and pretty! This is from last weekend, not this past weekend. But on Saturday night, this is what it looked like. You can kinda see the lights... I thought I took a different picture of the lights... but I guess not. :(you can still see them.The sunsets at Kenzie's house are always beautiful!They are gorgeous and the clouds accumulate beautifully! It's gorgeous and I love to just stare at the clouds and watch the colors mix. From last weekend....From this past weekend, (Saturday)Mind you, I took these with my iPhone 4. They are pretty good for being taken with a phone!Also from last weekend, her kitty was being so cute!His name is bubba, but we call him Baby Kitten.At kenzie's house, it's kind of a tradition to make brownies. Well, we had an overload on brownie mix this past weekend, and so Kenzie made an extra batch of brownie mix, and we drank it. Yup, we put it cups, and we drank brownie batter. Some might say this is unhealthy, and you are right, it is. But we can be unhealthy sometimes! Kenzie and I, and most teenagers are at a point where we can eat anything and it doesn't go to fat. Our metabolism is that fast! But of course, we like to eat healthy. I for one, love to eat healthy! I love salad and fruit... but sweets are my vice!Sorry it's a little blurry! Yum!This is the bon fire from later Saturday night....Was dying down, I think this was before someone put another piece of wood on it... I don't know. I took the picture from a weird angle it looks like.By the end of the night, Kenzie and I were dead tired, so hungry, and ready to relax. So, we made a frozen pizza, watched an Episode of Cheers, started another episode of Cheers, and was out fast! I don't even remember getting very far in the second episode we watched! All good though. In the morning, Kenzie and I put on the homemade cocoa coffee mask! It felt awesome and did an awesome job for our skin. And then our friend, Gregory came over and we watched movies all day long. I wasn't sneaking photos, I told them to act natural! ha. It would have been cute if I got all of us smiling, next movie day with all of us, I will get a cute one! ha.And then, here is me, being bored because of the movie.... it was about a plane crash and wolves and I wasn't too interested in watching blood spurt out of people's bodies... so I took a cute picture of me in my new Aerie gray hoodie!Lazin around.I had a great weekend with Kenzie and everybody! I'm so glad I have awesome friends. This weekend, I am going to be house sitting with my sister and my cousin, so I will do a blog post about that. Probably just going to be doing homework, maybe bake, and watch TV., I'm going to do my homework now.OH! Make sure to visit and follow my best friend, Kenzie's blog!Cowgirl CountryIt's a cute blog about her life! :)Keep Calm and Love Blogging!!