This blog is pretty easy to figure out OR at least it should. Today is my husband and I's 1 year anniversary. It really doesn't feel like just a year. After we got married people would ask how's it like to be married? We would also just look at each and shrug our shoulders.
G and I have lived together since we have been dating. I know, it seems a little forward but situations occurred during that time that just made sense to us. So we have been living together since the beginning. Since the beginning of our relationship we have shared everything between the two of us.
So for us we think we have always been married. Nothing really seems that different now that we are "officially" married. We had our growing pains while we were engaged. The other night at dinner we were talking about our relationship. I think that we had a lot more "fights" when we were in engaged than this past year.
I am so thankful for G in my life. I always tell him he saved my life. He changed for me the better. He is always in my corner and gives me real feedback if I'm over reacting or my feelings are just. I love that he is so laid back and doesn't let a whole lot get to him. I like to think that he is rubbing off on me.
Happy Anniversary G! I love you!