I'm talking about the Russian hard (Ъ) and soft sound (Ь).
The Russian language contains a hard and soft sound that is crucial to recite when speaking the language. So today, I decided to sit myself down (with a grande iced mocha at hand) and do some research beyond my "Everything Russian" book and tackle the concept. I also have to give A LOT of credit to this blog "Proper Russian"; it's a very informative site by a very intelligent Russian woman and I spent a good half hour going over some of her posts on not just the language but on the Russian culture as well. Here are some links that are good, insightful peeks into the Russian world;
Small Talk? Not In Russian
Why Russians Are Not Smiling
If You Want To Speak Any Language, Don't Learn It...
The Russian Vision of a Healthy Lifestyle
Women's Rights in Russia
I also spiced up my blog a bit. I'm really liking the way the design turned out and I think I'm sticking to it....who else can argue with a classy James Bond theme complete with martinis (shaken, not stirred)? Oh and I also installed Adsense to my blog; I also apologize ahead of time if you get ads asking you if you are interested in Russian mail-order brides (this seriously just popped up when I went to test my ads).
Well, time to wrap up to go to the gym...later!