2018 crept up on us pretty quickly didn't it? We are already over a week into it and the fun and festivities of Christmas and New Year seems like forever ago already. We did have a wonderful Christmas break with some quality family time together including a trip to Disneyland Paris which was a magical way to start the holidays.
It's back to reality now though, rushing about and the mundane routines kicking in again. January is pretty gray and bleak so far and it is making me long for Springtime to arrive when it is not so dark in the morning. I really feel for the kiddies when I have to wake them from their snuggly slumbers in the morning to get up and ready for school. Poor little monkeys, they always look so cosy curled up in their beds. Zachary still hasn't got his head around the fact that he has to get up when, "it is still night time", if only he felt the same at weekends and didn't spring out of bed at 6am wanting to play with his toys and watch TV.
I normally don't bother with New Years resolutions but I decided to set some goals for 2018. One is blog and career related and I am in early stages of putting these plans in motion. I have the usual better budgeting and save money resolution but, my most important is family focused which involves just making little everyday changes that will hopefully result in more smiles and laughter and less tantrums and grump-asauruses.
On a side note Zoey had a great start to the year and came home with the prized Star of the Day teddy yesterday, she has promised Zachary she will pick him to help her in her "star duties" giving out the fruit today which made him super happy this morning.
So here's to a very happy and healthy 2018, I hope everyone has a magical one!