Modern semi-ornate bollard...
We are on High Holborn EC1 outside a beautiful building which used to be the site of 'Furnival's Inn'. If we look at picture (below) we see a rather lovely City of London blue plaque marking this site.
The bollard we are looking at today is a modern semi ornate black in color with two ridged areas which are painted predominately gold and finished with a half ball top. The bollard performs a very simple function which is to allow people access but deny motor-vehicles when the beautiful ornate gates are open.
Furnival's Inn stood near...
#guestbollards are back...
A Panter on a post...
Please do take a look at the #guestbollard (above) of an 'emergency bollard' found on the Lower East Side New York by @rossatkin on the twitter, what a find and must be one of the top #guestbollards to date ?
I love the idea of a talking 'emergency' service bollard and love the bright red ornate body.
Now you may well be wondering what is that wonderful picture of a panther (left) doing here on a blog/site about bollards ? If you take a close look at the panther you'll notice he's sitting upon a post (bollards are small posts) and when I took a close look at the top of the post it reminded me and looked similar to some of the bollard tops we find in the City of London.
The photograph of the panther was taken by @patrickbaty on the twitter and you can admire his excellent work at Hampton Court Palace-A Tudor Garden by clicking on the link.
Bollards of London...