Diaries Magazine

Highgate, North Road N6 and the Clown...

Posted on the 01 January 2012 by Bollards Of London @bollardoflondon

Highgate, North Road N6 and the Clown...

North Road, Highgate N6...

North Road Highgate certainly has a collection of bollards and none more interesting than these near beehive looking hedged covered classics lining the borders of some properties set back slightly from the road.
The bollards are a very neat simple square based tapering angled slated design that I've not come across before. The more I look at them the more they make me think of beehives. If you look closely at the top picture you'll notice they come with or without hedge, simply wonderful and cracking start to the New Year.

Highgate, North Road N6 and the Clown...

Looks like a Beehive...

Highgate, North Road N6 and the Clown...

Obo's bollard in Cambridgeshire...

Throughout December I've asked many of you to send me pictures of bollards you've found or seen and I must say you've all been wonderful with all the bollards so far that I'm continuing the #guestbollard theme throughout the month of January.
The honor of the first #guestbollard of 2012 goes to none other than @obotheclown on the twitter. Obo has come up with an excellent picture/bollard in my humble opinion. The bollard is pretty new with a domed/ribbed head and ribbed/ridged lower third on the column/bollard. I like the reflective hazard tape placed around the column just in case you don't see the bollard in your headlamps.
Happy New Year to you all.
Bollards of London...

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