Self Expression Magazine

Homemade Baked Buffalo Drumsticks

Posted on the 09 August 2012 by Courtyb34 @CourtyB34
I have in love with buffalo sauce lately. I don't know why. The first time I tried the T.G.I. FRiDAY'S buffalo chicken bites  I couldn't believe how good they were. Ever since then, I have been obsessed with buffalo sauce, or buffalo anything! Just today, I bought spicy buffalo Wheat Thins! I'm crazy. But, I wanted to make my own buffalo somethings with chicken and I got inspired. I knew we had a big bottle of buffalo sauce in the fridge. I knew that the chicken legs were sold at WinCo for less than $5.00. I am such a cheapo sometimes. So, we got those and Krusteaz Bake and Fry crumb coating for chicken or shrimp or what not. I wanted to try that out. 
This is what they will look like:Homemade Baked Buffalo Drumsticks
So, first of all, the ingredients:

~About 1/2 cup of Buffalo sauce. I used 'Frank's' buffalo sauce. (Or, If you are making this for a crowd, you can use like 2 cups. All you are doing with the sauce is putting it in a bowl, and rolling the chicken in it later. You don't even use the full 1/2 cup for the 6 chicken pieces that I used, but I like extra security.)

~I made 6 drumsticks, but you can always add or take away. Depending on how many people are going to be eating. It was just my sister and I, so I made us each three.
~The bread crumbs or the Krusteaz Bake and Fry stuff. The Krusteaz works better than bread crumbs. I recommend the krusteaz stuff. It's great. You probably only need 1/2 cup to a 1 cup of that.
~3 whole eggs, beaten.
~Olive Oil (optional)
~Of course the raw chicken drum sticks (which are the 6 drumsticks above)
Preheat your oven to 375 degrees before you begin.Place a layer of tin foil on a pan, like a large cookie pan.Homemade Baked Buffalo DrumsticksOk, now here comes the hard part of it all. Make sure you have some Clorox Anywhere Surface bleach spray for after you deal with the raw chicken legs.Open up the chicken legs....Homemade Baked Buffalo DrumsticksYou are going to have to touch these with your bare hands. Or... if you are different and you like to wear latex gloves while cooking... hon... that's your choice. Whatever floats your boat and satisfies your germaphobe needs. Don't worry though, I am a germaphobe when it comes to certain things. But touching chicken is not a big deal to me. I rinsed them off in cold water and put them in a big bowl, lined with paper towels. The reason why you want to rinse them is because they could have some blood on them and you just want to be cautious. Just rinse them.Homemade Baked Buffalo DrumsticksNext, you set up the assembly line. For now, wash your hands with WARM water and soap. Now, get the eggs and crumbly coating ready. You don't have to add any spices to them. You are putting buffalo sauce on them later, no need to broaden the horizon.You crack three eggs into a bowl. Make sure the bowl is big enough for the chicken leg to lay down in. You want to coat the whole chicken leg in egg and crumbly coating.Homemade Baked Buffalo DrumsticksHomemade Baked Buffalo DrumsticksSo you want to put the coating mix in a big enough bowl too.Next, you get to work. I thought I would be using tongs for this part, but that's way too tricky. I just used my hands again.I first dipped them into the egg, and then dipped them in the coating. Homemade Baked Buffalo DrumsticksI did use thicker tongs for the coating mix...It was easier that way...Homemade Baked Buffalo DrumsticksSo, just place them on the pan. As usual, I drizzle a little bit of extra virgin olive oil on the pan. It gives them flavor and keeps them... moist... ugh I hate that word. ha.It's so gross!!!The word, not the olive oil. :)So, you don't need to dirty a plate and add in a middle step, you just place the breaded chicken leg on the pan and then you keep going till you have no more chicken legs left!Homemade Baked Buffalo DrumsticksI poured the rest of the coating mix directly on the chicken legs. I don't like to waste the crumblies, so I added more the chicken.I just poured it directly on top.Homemade Baked Buffalo DrumsticksNext, you put them in the oven for 20 minutes. They really bake for 50 minutes, but see, you are going to take them out half way, so I just divided it, and I know 20 is not half of 50, but I baked it for 20 minutes at first. Now, here is where the buffalo sauce comes in. All you need is like a wide cereal bowl, or a Tupperware bowl. It needs to be big enough to roll the chicken in. When I took the chicken out, I did put them on a plate. Like I picked them up with tongs and put them on another plate. I wanted to change the tin foil because the layer of foil that the drumsticks were on was all cluttered and starting to burn with all the extra coating, so I replaced it with some new, clean foil. This is the old foil... before I put the chicken on the plate.Homemade Baked Buffalo DrumsticksFor the buffalo sauce:Homemade Baked Buffalo DrumsticksI just used a cereal bowl. It has a nice surface.... or bottom. It has a nice bottom part of the bowl, where it isn't domed too much, it has a flat thing to it. It's easier to roll the chicken in and coat it. I also used tongs for this step. Homemade Baked Buffalo DrumsticksI loved how it went over the chicken so nicely. I mean, some of the breaded coating came off, like just crumbs of it, but the breaded part stayed on really well. That's why I baked it for 20 minutes. Just to get the breaded coating to stay on enough for the buffalo sauce to get on there without the breaded coating coming off.Homemade Baked Buffalo DrumsticksNow, you put it back in the oven for the 30 minutes. When it has 15 minutes left, so at the half way point of the 30 minutes, you might want to turn the chicken. You don't have to, but I did. And when I turned it, some of the breading came off. Not a problem. It just stuck to the tin foil a little bit. All I did was splash a few more dashes of buffalo sauce on the naked parts. ha. The parts that the breaded part came off of.But they turned out so scrumptious! I am so making this again! Or making something similar to it.They were delicious! Homemade Baked Buffalo DrumsticksHomemade Baked Buffalo DrumsticksHomemade Baked Buffalo DrumsticksHomemade Baked Buffalo DrumsticksHomemade Baked Buffalo DrumsticksHomemade Baked Buffalo DrumsticksHomemade Baked Buffalo DrumsticksThey were super duper delicious! I love creating new recipes on my own! And getting obsessed with a certain sauce or spice and incorporating different recipes around it. In this case, it is buffalo sauce! And it was tasty!   YUM! SUPER DUPER YUM!Oh, tip for after dealing with the raw chicken, bleach everything you touched, including your sink! Scour your sink withe spray bleach. And your counter tops and the sink handle or whatever you touched. I bleached everything. Any surface, I bleached it. I basically cleaned the whole kitchen. ha. I'd just clean everything you touched while making the chicken.If you make this recipe, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. I love them!

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