Self Expression Magazine

How Flavor Can Help You Find Your Match #LoveATFirstTaste

Posted on the 29 April 2016 by Genzelkisses

For me, same interests really attract people together. Hence the saying, Birds of the same feathers flock together. More often that not, we tend to be with people who share the same passion, interest, food, etc. Like when a guy you like take you to your favorite restaurant and discovered you both like the same food, it's an instant plus "pogi points" right?

The things you do, your hobbies, food you eat, movies you watch, express someone's personality. Those are the basic things you can know about the person and test if you match together. Not only with a love partner but this applies to our BFFs too! We can watch the same movie, laugh, and cry with it over and over again with your best friend. I know you can relate!

How flavor can help you find your match #LoveATFirstTaste

I feel so touched and kilig watching this campaign video by Knorr #LoveAtFirstTaste. It's a social experiment campaign where they set up pairs on a blind date based on their love for the same flavors.

Let me know what you think about the video! <3

How flavor can help you find your match #LoveATFirstTaste

Now it's your chance to share your very own #LoveAtFirstTaste story and get a chance to be one of the 3 Winners of Unilever Gift Pack! I'll be choosing 3 best stories shared on Facebook, announcement on May 4th! How flavor can help you find your match #LoveATFirstTaste

Just go to my Facebook Page:, the mechanics will be pinned to top How flavor can help you find your match #LoveATFirstTaste Good luck and I can't wait to read your #LoveAtFirstTaste stories! <3

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