Earn real money using social media
There are a lot of ways to earn money online aside from blogging and vlogging, and one of them is using our social media accounts through the following (which are not limited to these):
1. Advertisements - placing of related contents by advertisers2. Affiliate sales - directing traffic to related shops where you get incentives3. Sponsored contents - personally reached or approved partnership by an interested partner
Yes, you can do these things to your social media accounts and earn real money. You just have to adhere to their guidelines and achieve their respective requirements. For now, we will not focus with regards to each of their unique terms. conditions, and policies (which you need to do it yourselves) but we will be talking about the minimum requirements on each social media platform and how to make it to their own monetization programs. So, are you guys ready? Let's get the baaall rolling!
1. Facebook [PAGE], not an account
Follow Michael's Hut on Facebook
Written Articles (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instant-articles/)
- If you have a website or blog that has a decent amount of content and traffic, you might want to discover this platform. This is basically making those articles on your website or blog available on Facebook format.. on Facebook.. with advertisements. The thing here is that its requirements currently are not directly given so its hard for us to know if we qualify or not.
I personally have tried applying this blog of mine to this program but in the process of my application, it seems that my blog traffic still is too low for their minimum requirement. As per my research, a site's traffic must be averaging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands maybe a month? (not sure) before one can pass. Well, if you guys have more data to share for us all on this, feel free to comment down below.
Produce Videos (https://business.facebook.com/creatorstudio/)
* In-Stream Ads - Advertisements will be injected in your videos
- 10,000 facebook fans
- 30,000 1 min. video views on at least 3 mins. videos in the last 60 days
* Brand Collabs Manager - Depends on the agreed partnership (post/share/video/etc..) - 1,000 facebook fans
AND Any of these below:
- 15,000 post engagements in the last 60 days
- 30,000 1 min. video views on at least 3 mins. videos in the last 60 days
- 180,000 mins. video views on all your videos in the last 60 days
2. Twitter account (https://help.twitter.com/en/using-twitter/how-to-monetize-in-media-studio)
Follow Michael on Twitter
The least requirements for your account to start monetizing are the following:
- 100 tweets
- 60 days old account
You can select from these options but not limited to:
* Promoting ads in your videos via categorized content
* Literally sponsored tweets from (eg. SponsoredTweets, PaidPerTweet, etc..)
* In-Stream video ads and In-Stream sponsorships for verified accounts
To be honest, I am really not a Twitter person. The platform's structure does not apply to me, fits me, or relates to me.. and that is why the details here are that limited. Moving on.. Haha!
3. Instagram account
Follow Michael on Instagram
As of the moment, "influencers" in this social media platform has no definite measure yet of being "legitimate" in terms of being paid unless personally approached by a sponsor or an interested private party.
In this very visual environment where only a single link per account is available (in one's bio), the only situation one can say that he/she is on a different level is by gaining 10,000 followers. With that, he/she acquires the "swipe up" feature in his/her IG stories that can direct viewers to a specific site, online store, blog, or any URL with opportunities to sell or earn in any way possible.
4. Pinterest
Add Michael's Hut on Pinterest
Just like Instagram, Pinterest has no definite monetization feature or whatsoever. What's great about this platform is that its pins are link-friendly (so you can direct your viewers here easily on where you want them to go) and joining categorized boards is on point. It is making things easy for all of its users to share and navigate related pins that will most likely catch the attention of a specific niche.
One pin can generate hundreds, thousands, or even millions of views and clicks when used properly that can make you wonders, really. Believe me on this. it already happened to me. ;)
5. TikTok
Not YET on TikTok
Since this is one of the newest social crazes in town, there is still no concrete structure of it being monetized aside from being yet again, personally approached by an interested sponsor. But with its fast-growing community especially here in the country, we really can't say it will never happen soon, right?
So, upon knowing some facts about the opportunities our favorite social media platforms can currently offer, what seems to be your favorite? Feel feel to share your thoughts in the comment section below or watch this video version I made for this post if you prefer that.
And now that we know that there are such opportunities like earning real cash in social media, would we still be using them just like before? You decide.
If you cannot see the video above, click HERE for it