Diaries Magazine

I'm Back Bitches

Posted on the 27 February 2014 by Monicasaidso @MonicaSaidSo__x
So lets get past the giant thing that has recently happened and is the reason I haven't blogged. 
I moved. 
With the help of Jenni Benni, my uncle and Maa we moved down south! It was an utter nightmare, no don't think I've ever cried so much - apart from when I found out my Dhada had passed away and when my Maa was really ill and all the other horrible, sad things that have happened. I'm sad now. So yeah basically I cried a lot for about three days. Now we are here I'm happy. I get to see my mates who I haven't been able to see in like forever. I'm much closer to my Maa, I've got 2 housemates and a dog. I literally have people coming out of everywhere. I love it. My hubby is finding it hard to adjust to the friendliness around here, tbh I can be slightly overbearing at times but otherwise he is finding the south a very relaxing and peaceful experience. The only thing that's us wrong is that it had been P I S S I N G it down with rain for like a week solid. It was so bad the rain and being wet was kinda suckish. ONG don't tell anyone but I just spent too long listening to Millionaires and BOTDF... Gosh. But it's okay now I'm listening to 3OH!3 and PATD. YAAAAY!!!
But yeah basically that's what has been going on. New place, new home, new routine, new job. It's been hectic. Just too much going on. Ugh. It's all good though. 
Okay so I was thinking I so need to do a new my top ten so yeah... Here they are!
1) Water bottlesOh god. At one point I drinking so much water I was slightly scared that I was going to start washing away minerals! I've since figured out how much to drink and keep refilling my water bottle up. 
2) Baby Yoghurts I don't care if they aren't for big people I want them and I'm going to bloody well eat them because they are so much nicer than normal yoghurt. They make me happy and a better person. 
3) Dried Fruit So I have like this dried fruit trail mix that I made with all my favorite dried fruit and nuts so it's got cranberries, dried banana, dates, cashew nuts, chocolate covered peanuts and sunflower seeds. It tastes great and lasts for ages. It's an awesome and healthy alternative to a packet of crisps plus with summer coming up its a bonus! Who doesn't want a super hot bikini bod?
4) Simple Kind To Skin Pore Minimising Cleansing TonerSo my Maa has been on my ass for months trying to get me to use cleansers and toners and shit like that but I'm not good with changing my skin regime of soap and lotion but omg this stuff is like my holy grail I love it. My pores are tighter than Miley Cyrus' PVC pants and clearer than her fathers disappointment! It's super soft and so clean. I just use a flannel to scrub it into my face and then I just use it like lotion just before I put makeup on. It's a dream. Super easy to use and super effective!
5) Lemon and Honey teaOkay so maybe it's not really a tea but I got this from my housemate, she drinks hot water with lemon in and she swears it's good for your skin and digestion so I gave it a go as recently I've been getting stress related belly aches but because I have a major sweet tooth I added a little honey. I love it and it totally quenched my tea craving even though it's bit tea. I used to be able to drink like 6 cups of tea a day - two tea bags (naughty), two sugars and loads of milk. When I was a much younger whipper snapper I could drink 12 cups of coffee in a day and they were like toxic fucking waste- two heaped teaspoons of coffee, three heaped spoons of sugar and no milk. Try drinking that without throwing up, but I loved it. 
6) NapsI'm lucky that when I'm sleepy I can take a nap but I totally do recommend a little cat nap every few days when you get time. The little boost is better than a can of energy drink and popping a caffeine tablet believe me 
7) SandwichesOkay so I spent most of my life only ever eating maybe three types of sandwiches: Prawn Mayonnaise, Tuna and Cucumber and Ploughmans. But now I make sandwiches at home for the hubby and there are so many I come up with. Like this week he's had a chickpea salad wrap, cheese and beans toastie, sausage toastie and fried mushroom with garlic and herb soft cheese. It's great! You can make them as healthy or unhealthy as you want and you don't get entire areas with nothing but bread which totally sucks and makes me sad - I'm looking at you Tesco. But yeah it costs way less - for the price of a weeks worth of £3 meal deals you can pretty much buy a weeks worth of whole packed lunch and it's yummier. Ditch your lunch run and instead whilst watching your favorite show the night before make yourself a packed lunch. It feels good to eat something you've made even if it's just a cheese sandwich.
8) Planning mealsOMG I'm such a fucking loser when it comes to planning it's like I just cannot stick to what I've said. It winds me up and often leaves me in the lurch about what to make so instead of a yummy well thought out and hand prepared meal I end up making chips and fish fingers, which don't get me wrong is really yummy but I make a really nice baked mackerel and munchkin chips dish so you know. Now if got a set out menu that I'm cooking from it takes out all the guesswork and leave me to make yummy things. Some days are just chips and fish finger but other days are medames and chickpea salad with soft yummy chapatti so its balanced and I like it that way. It means the hubby's heart is being looked after and his belly is too.
9) This Fluffy ChickenI'm back bitches
I don't own this chicken or this picture or anything I just really love how fluffy it is. Look it has no legs. Just fluff. 
F L U F F Y.
10) Making ConfectionaryI LOVE CHOCOLATE as we all know I'm obsessed in chocolate and basically anything sweet. So recently I found out you can actually make pretty much all of it at home with the right utensils and a serious amount of time. So I want to make truffles and fudge so far and I'm going to tell you how it when!
So I get this my top ten was a little different but it because  of the way my life is atm. I'm changing more about myself and my lifestyle that sounds so dorky. Ugh. Anyways I'm back now and expect blogs bitches
Monica             xxx

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