With the inauguration of ICSI Centre of Excellence, Vice President of India, M Venkaiah Naidu emphasizes on a strong foundation in ethical values. In fact, he stresses, ethical values should be the basis for exemplary corpate governance. As a matter of fact, why only corporate governance? Rather, ethical values can play a major role in development of an individual in the bet possible manner. And probably, that is the only way to acquire excellence in life. Therefore, it is right to see a direct connection between ethical values, governance, and excellence in corporate as well as personal spectrum. The inauguration event was in Hyderabad at the Institute of Company Secreraries of India (ICSI) for their new Centre of Excellence.
The Vice President, during the launch of ICSI Centre of Excellence, says that in today’s competitive environment it is important for professionals like company secretaries to acquire deep knowledge and skills that match well with the best practices. Not only that, but these will also help in promoting good corporate governance. He adds that India has a great strength in inherent spiritual knowledge, rich traditions, and strong value mechanisms. These three are the best catalysts that many family-run businesses use in India. The same can become a role mdel for other countries in corporate governance. Logically, it is the core practitioners of good corporate governance who should come forward and play a leading role in making India a global leader in their field.