Diaries Magazine

January Review: Paleo + C25k

Posted on the 31 January 2012 by Thesecretlifeofjen

It’s 2012 baby, how are you doing?!

It is such a fantastic feeling to be looking back over the past 31 days, and to be feeling a real sense of accomplishment(!)  Noone is perfect, our set goals don’t always go as planned, there are always bumps along the road.  But yet, there are times, when you just feel it, know it.  Know that, yep, you got this!

And for the last 31 days, I did pretty well on the “I got this” side of things  :)

So what were my goals this month?  Initially I was unsure where I wanted to take my health and fitness in 2012.  But after a bit of consideration (dithering!), I decided to keep it simple.  Finally, it was time to look at the nutrition side of  things (this is always hardest for me) >> and I decided to hit up the Paleo lifestyle.  [Did you see that? ;)   I'm talking myself away from diet and toward a new Lifestyle].  Check out my two favourite paleo sites – here and here.  It’s not easy, but I love the results I am getting.  I have cut out dairy, sugar, pasta, rice, bread, > the list goes on(!)

And for physical activity, >> I decided to really give couch to 5km a good run.  See that?  Yeah, I am full of it today!  In January, I walked/jogged/ran a total of twelve times covering 43.4km  :)   And to date, I have completed every c25km run without stopping.

January Review: Paleo + c25k
So where did all this healthy goodness leave me?  What about my RESULTS?  I took my measurements this morning, and overall, I am down 15cms and 2.5% body fat.  The largest reduction was 5cm lost on my waist!!  What a great start to 2012  :)

I have lost 3kgs since January 1st, 2012!

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