Posted on the 28 July 2012 by Courtyb34
Hello everyone! This morning I checked my blog stats, and I'm zooming up there! I have had this blog for almost a year, and I am rising up to the blogspot fame! I am so excited. Yesterday, our second day of our trip was so much fun! Way better than the day before, on Thursday. Yesterday was fantastic and super fun. We first woke up and got ready. We had to be out of our hotel room by 11:00 AM. We probably left the hotel room by 11:15 AM. There was no check out, all you had to do was leave the hotel card key on the desk in the room and leave. We were in sort of a hurry to get out of there, but who's gonna know we stayed an extra 15 minutes to pack all of our stuff up? Only God. ha! Oh... while I was getting ready, I decided to wear my new white shirt I got from Nordstrom Rack on Wednesday, when we were leaving. I realized, yesterday, that it was on BACKWARDS when I tried it on. So... the picture that is on here, that picture is of the shirt on backwards and I didn't even realize it! It's still cute when it is put on correctly, but I felt so silly! I am gonna leave that picture on here, it's still cute and makes me laugh. Anyway... on with the day. After we left the hotel room and packed up all of our luggage in the car, my mom took Brittney and I to The Forum Shops in Caesar's Palace to do some more Las Vegas shopping. My dad was driving people who flew here to the resort we were going to stay next. Because those people flew here, they didn't have a ride to the new resort, so my dad had to drive them since we had our car. In the Forum Shops, like I said in my Day 1 post, these shops are the expensive shops, most of them. So you'll find some good taste in that casino mall. Also in the Forum Shops, there is this curvy escalator. It's super cool! It was fun riding on it, because it was different. You just curved instead of going up at a slant. It was nifty! They had the curved escalators on both sides, one going up and one going down.This is the curved escalator going up. The one I was on.This is me riding on the escalator! It's a little fuzzy because I took it with the face camera, the one that is on the screen of my phone.Don't know why it has such bad quality sometimes.The back camera has awesome quality!I found my favorite beauty store ever! Fresh. Fresh is this high class, very expensive facial products. I was introduced to this store when I went on my San Francisco trip last year. I have fallen in love with the Fresh products ever since. Since then, I have purchased a few of the Fresh products from Sephora. I love the Fresh products! When I in San Francisco, I took a look at the Soy Cleanser from Fresh and I love soy products because then you know there is no animal parts or animal bi-products in the things you put on your face and body. It's a wonderful store. When I walked in, the lady looked nice, and she was, she just embarrassed me a little and caught me off guard. It was like, ok... you want me to buy something? Keep your mouth shut please. I'm not a mean person... I'm really not.Ok, this is what I said, I said that I made my own sugar scrubs. She seemed pleased with that, but then when I said that I added a few drops of lemon and a table spoon of milk to my scrubs, she got all concerned. I mean, I am careful when it comes to lemons. I hardly ever, like never use them on my face because I know they can burn and ruin beautiful skin. I know that the acid can eat it away and make it really raw and dry. I am not stupid lady, lady, have you read my blog? Do you know I research how to take care of my skin the best way? Do you know I collect facial washes and skin care products that help my face! HAVE YOU SEEN MY FACE? Lady, you are looking right at me, talking. Does it look like the lemon... the few small drops of lemon that I used with water and milk and sugar, does it look like it has ruined my face? NO!I don't use it anymore. OK? Sorry about that.... that is what I wanted to say to the lady. She was great though! She really was, I just wanted to make sure she knew that I knew a few things about skin care.... *cough* *cough* a lot of things! I know a lot of things about skin care. I'm no dermatologist, but I have given some good tips to girls who want to know more about taking care of their skin. And even to some guys. I know my stuff. ANYWAY! Ha, she was nice and told me how to use the soy cleanser. I have been wanting the soy cleanser since San Francisco, and I had to get it. It was $38 for the cleanser. I was little wary about that... but you see, I came to Las Vegas with a TON OF MONEY to spend on silly things. This was not a silly thing, this was something I have been wanting and looking at online for a long time now. I bought it! I bought the soy cleanser and was proud! And I used it this morning, and I love it!It's a really great product and I am glad I splurged a little bit! :)After I shopped at Fresh, we walked around a little bit. Brittney and I wanted to go back to H&M to look at some more clothes. On Thursday night, when I went to H&M to shop, I passed by the Sports sections of H&M and that whole section is for yoga! I was so excited. I thought I saw a flowy tank top there on Thursday, but when I went there yesterday, it wasn't a flowy tank top, it was just a regular tank top. I was kind of relieved because I didn't want to spend anymore money. I am such a cheap skate sometimes...although why I am saying that when I just bought a $38 face wash. ha!I passed it up and ended up not getting anything from H&M. But, my sister got a cute shirt, and my mom got a cute dress. So, the H&M outing was successful! We left H&M, and walked through the Forum Shops and through the casino to get outside of Caesar's Palace to go to Paris. Once you got outside, it was so hot! You almost got dehydrated right there on the spot, once you enter the heat. I had to get some water! We all did. So, like on Thursday, we went to the Sugar Factory, the little annex outside and got some waters. This time, the cups were just coffee cups, plain white coffee cups with no lids but they were FREE!That place has been good to us every time we have gone there. Free water is the bomb diggety! However you spell that...The entrance to Paris was right beside the little Sugar Factory annex, so we walked inside and through the casino to get to Madeline. The cute little pastry shop in the Paris hotel. On Thursday, we went in there just to check it out and I noticed they had eclairs. If you know me well enough, you know that I am a sucker for eclairs! I love them. The chocolate on top, the crisp but soft pastry and the yummy cream filling, or should I say, creme filling. Oh wow... it was so delicious. It was everything I was expecting it to be. That little Cafe Madeline exceeded my expectations and I like that.I love it!That little pastry shop was so cute! I can't get over it. It smelled like freshly baked croissants with cheese on them, in the cafe. It smelled delicious. On Sunday, when we come back to Las Vegas for some last minute things. I am going to get my croissants because I love those too! And the smell is so tempting and you know, Las Vegas is the place of temptation. At least my temptation is not alcohol or gambling... and further more... I am not even old enough for that stuff, let alone I don't care about that stuff. My temptations are pastries. French pastries!After we ate our pastries and left Paris, we were on the hunt for some of the stuff that we came here for. We went across the sky bridge and then we walked the strip of Las Vegas! It was awesome!As we walked further down the strip, we came to the 'slums' of Las Vegas. The cheapo souvenir shops, where the person is smoking or drunk that is selling the crap. Or the seller person doesn't have a clue to what's going on and they can't give you any information about anything in Las Vegas, except that the sweatshirt costs $58 plus tax... how do I know this? I didn't check out the flea bag places, I know this from some of the shops in San Francisco. Plus, we didn't have time to stop in those little shops. We had to keep walking. Also as we walked the strip, the heat was choking me and burning my nose. Every time I breathed in air from my nose, it was hot and burned the inside of my nose. We came to this market place, kind of like the Saturday market in Downtown Portland, and there were mister fans! These fans were awesome! They blew air and sprayed out mists of water. It was wonderful! Especially when you feel like you are going to drop dead because of the heat. We then came across M&M world. The place that I came to Las Vegas for. My high light, the place I wanted to come to the most and get a big bag of colorful M&Ms. Oh yes! I was in heaven. Especially since M&Ms are my favorite candy in the whole wide world!Las Vegas M&M's world, folks! 4 stories of M&M paraphernalia and one story with a whole wall of bulk M&Ms. I was going crazy!I actually took the big M&M's world sign from across the street after I went M&M wild. This is still at M&M world. My big bag of M&Ms. 1 and 1/2 pounds of colorful M&M's, in colors you can't get anywhere else but at the M&Ms worlds of the world! There are four of them. One in Las Vegas, on in London, one in New York and one in Orlando. I splurged here too... I spent $24 with tax on my bag on M&Ms. I didn't care though. I don't care! I wanted this. And this is what I planned on doing. Getting a huge bag of M&Ms to take home with me and maybe eating them... most likely going to eat them...Most definitely. Yes. This is what I came here for.Of course I came for other things, but the big bag of M&Ms was my goal. My main goal for Las Vegas and I did great!And I have my M&Ms world bag now to remember my trip! Ohhh that was so fun! We also got some measuring spoons and measuring cups from M&M world. Since I bake a lot, my mom thought it would be appropriate to get some more baking supplies.I am so excited to get home and use my M&M world measuring supplies for baking. Going to make these awesome brownies!Stay tuned... bahha!Right outside of M&M world, we saw New York, New York. It's just a replica of the sky line from the actual city, New York, New York. We took the picture of New York, New York from across the street at M&M world.And when we were driving out of Las Vegas, we got a picture of the Statue of Liberty.I'll just post that picture now since we are on the subject of New York anyway.There was also the Coca-Cola factory there, right next door to M&M world. We didn't go in there, but maybe I can coax my parents to do that on Sunday. We are already doing so much on Sunday in Las Vegas, but I don't think it will be a big deal. I took this picture at New York, New York, which is right across the street from the Coca-Cola factory and M&M world. I took the M&M world sign from this spot too.I am guessing that the big Coca-Cola bottle is an elevator. I believe so.... at least that is what I saw when I passed by it. It looked like it was an elevator. We didn't get a chance to go into the MGM and look at the lions, but that is another thing we are going to be doing on Sunday. Definitely.I took a picture of the sign though!I am so excited to go there on Sunday. It will be a lot of fun!After we saw most of the stuff we wanted to see, we went into Walgreens, it's right there on the strip. A Walgreens! ha! We went in there to grab some eye liner. I am out of eye liner, and I needed some more. So, we bought my eye liner at Walgreens on the Las Vegas strip. How about that!? ha!That was cool. We waited for my dad to come and get us and then we walked to the car. We drove out of the Walgreens parking lot and drove down the Las Vegas strip. It seems so stressful, a stressful little drive through the Las Vegas strip because of all the pedestrians and drunkards. You know? But my dad said that it wasn't too hard to drive through the Las Vegas strip. When we got in the car, my dad broke the news that we would be grocery shopping at Whole Foods Market. I about flipped out. I love that place! I love health foods stores and organic places. New Seasons is my first heaven, Whole Foods Market is my second heaven. I am actually following Whole Foods Market's blog: Whole Story . It's in my favorite blogs, on the side bar and of course the link right here on the post. I often read it. Anyway, I was super excited. Then my dad told me it was right down the street from the resort we would be staying out. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Best news ever! We drove down the strip, and after Mandalay Bay, which we are also checking out on Sunday, there was the Fabulous Las Vegas sign. Guess what? It's about the size of a wide screen TV, It's puny! It's not huge like you expect it to be, it's very small. Probably... 100 inches. Maybe a little bit more, maybe a little bit less. But It was small and not very tall. I did get a picture of it from the back window of the car. On Sunday, we are going to get a better picture of the sign. We are actually going to pull in and get a picture of it.See? It's not super big like I expected it to be. But oh well, it's still really cool to see! It was really cool to see!We drove for a little bit, my instagram started working so much better and then we got to the resort.OH MY WORD! OH MY GOODNESS!This place is beautiful, and huge and lovely. It looks relaxing and absolutely gorgeous!I couldn't wait to wander around and look around. It is fabulous!This is only the entrance to the resort...The resort is calledGreen Valley Ranch, in Henderson, Nevada. or Green Valley, Henderson, Nevada.We dropped off my mom and sister. They took in a couple of bags and then my dad and I were off to shop organically at Whole Foods Market! I was so excited!I'm so weird... most girls are excited to shop at clothing stores. I am excited to shop at Whole Foods. ha!When we parked, and I got out of the car, it was stifling! It was so hot. I checked on my phone on my weather app, and it said that was 102 degrees. I can handle that. Been in 104 degrees before!As we were shopping, I saw some coconut water. I have had coconut water in a smoothie juice before, like a home made one, but have never tasted it by itself. My mom and I were talking about it earlier yesterday, actually in the Walgreens, and we wanted to try some. So, at Whole Foods Market, I picked up some coconut water for my mom and I to try. We walked around and picked out a lot stuff. It was fabulous! We came across a sample drink dispenser with Mighty Leaf tea in it. I have tasted Mighty Leaf tea before, when I received a sampling of it in my Eco Emi. I have loved Mighty Leaf tea ever since. Anyway, this drink dispenser held iced Ginger Peach tea. OH MY WORD! So delicious! I sipped one little plastic sampling cup, then I snuck another, then another, I had four little samples of the Mighty Leaf tea, and so did my dad. We agreed that when we get back home in Oregon, we were going to buy some. We couldn't buy it now because we wouldn't be able to use it and we wouldn't have room for it. I am excited. It is the best iced tea I have ever tasted. I wonder if it was just the taste, or the fact that I am in the dessert and it is so hot here, that I was just really thirsty and needed something to drink. I think it was a combination of taste and need.We got a couple more things, and then we went to check out, and then left to go to the resort. I was excited to see the inside of the place. It was so fabulous! We got inside, there is this big globe, right smack dab in the middle of the lobby. It's wooden and old looking but very fancy! I will take a picture today and send it to my tumblr. (I love having two blogs)We went up the room with all of our luggage and things, and I get into the room, it's luxurious! I made a collage of the room...It is so super nice! The pictures don't give it justice, but the room is really really nice. A HUGE step up from Harrah's. :)Now we're in 5 stars! I rested on the bed that my sister and I are sharing, and there is this lamp on the night stand on my side of the bed. This lamp is built up with silver ball type things and they kind of act as fun house mirrors, like at amusement parks or circuses. I made a collage of silly faces I made in the lamp... I was still checking out the cool features, and the lamp is a cool feature... in my world. :)Oh jeez... baha. For the rest of the night, we kind of just stayed in the hotel room and relaxed. Around 8:30, Brittney and I left the hotel room and wandered around. She wanted to go check out the pool, I was a little wary on wandering around. I didn't know if we allowed to, if people didn't mind. I didn't know. I have this mind set that adults only think of teenagers as stupid, senseless adolescents who aren't responsible and who always cause trouble. Don't know why I have that mind set, but I know not all adults think that. I am not one of those immature teenagers who does drugs and things, I don't cause trouble ever and I am well mannered. So, people don't have problems with me. (Except a few people, for which I will leave un-named because I don't want to start a ruckus), wow, I am ranting a whole lot on this post. Moving on! It turns out that the hotel people don't care if kids wander around. They don't care, just as long as they don't cause trouble. Brittney and I don't cause trouble, so we can wander around. We checked out the pool, it was pretty cool! I can't wait to go swimming in it later. It will be lots of fun. I will also take pictures of it so that I can post them on here later tonight or something, on my day to day posts. It's a cool pool.We walked around a little bit more, and we are going to travel around more later and look around at more things. I am so sorry if that is confusing.We walked back to our hotel room, and waited for my parents to get back from their dinner function. We just sat in the hotel room and watched some TV, I blogged, and then we got ready for bed.Yesterday was awesome, and nothing could have made it better. It was fantastic.I am so sorry for the rants and raves that were in this post, it is my blog and I can post whatever I want to. I am not trying to be mean, not at all, just saying that I can post whatever I want to on my blog, because it is my blog. :)I hope you enjoyed my post about my second day in Las Vegas! I had so much fun yesterday and I hope that the trip keeps on being amazing!Hope all of my fabulous amazing readers have a great day today!You guys make my day!