Creativity Magazine
Few lines inspired by one of my favorite writers Paulo Coelho . His writings are never ending source of inspiration for me . One of mine , his favorite quotes "Stay strong because things will get better it might be stormy but it cant rain forever "
The foot marks on my heart
Whispered to me last night
Told me those are signs of your strides in my life
And are there to stay forever
I searched for the source of fragrance
Looked around in the dark
The calm night told me
My own shadow bears your musk
Why should I search for the source
"He is by your side and there to stay forever"
I searched for your heart
I found it behind my smiles
Tucked away from the world forever
I turned around in the dark
Found your heart caressing mine
Speaking to my heart heard muffled voice(s)
Like never I had heard before never ever
The promising night and assurances of the dark
Were kind enough to erase frowns from my face
Like they were never there ever
My searching eyes were put to calm
When muffling sounds spoke to my heart
And said " Stay strong because things will get better
It might be stormy but it cant rain forever "
He may not be in your arms
But with your thoughts in his heart
He is sure to find the way
To erase the dark from your life
And make the life smile at you forever
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