Diaries Magazine

Let's Be Crafty and Creative

Posted on the 22 September 2015 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
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Brave Love Blog

I am participating in Bailey's #BlogtemberChallenge. If you want to participate visit her blog here. Today's prompt: Get Creative! Sketch, paint, dance, play music, whatever then give us a glimpse. Seriously, I knew that last week was going to be CRAZY week and that should have been the week I planned above all other weeks that I pre-scheduled my posts.

Lately I have been feeling more crafty and creative than the past. If you missed (or don't follow me on facebook) then you missed that we are moving to New Hampshire. Gary took a new job and will be the Director of Ticket Sales with New Hampshire Fisher Cats. They are a double A team for the Toronto Blue Jays.

I'm excited for the new role, but we are now in the process of finding a new place to live and work. So with all that happening, my creative plans have been put on hold for a while.

But when I get settled into my new place except some fun DIY craft projects until then check out my pinterest boards.

D-I-Y Crafts Knitting and Crocheting Sewing Inspiration Are you crafty? What's your favorite thing?  
Let's Be Crafty and Creative

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