Dear Mukta,
I know that you don’t know me and would be thinking why the hell am I writing a whole of a letter to someone whom I’ve never met, never had a talk with and who was a complete stranger to me just a month ago. Before you start guessing who I am, let me introduce myself to you. I’m Pooja, 3rd year B.Tech student, who just completed her one month internship as a volunteer at Loyola Evening School managed by St.Xaviers Social Service Society.I sometimes wonder how a person gets so much emotionally attached to someone whom he/she has never met and in your case, when I know that I’ll never get a chance to say a friendly ‘Hi’ or maybe a broad smile, imitating yours. It’s the same smile which has, for ever, made for itself a place in children’s hearts.I used to teach them Computers, Mudra. The classes allotted to me were 8th,9th and 10th.The first day itself, when I went to Fr.Rajeev’s cabin, expressing my interest to share my knowledge with the school kids, he allotted me the subject which you used to teach. Only that day, I came to know about you. Although you were not there, I felt you near me...Somewhere listening and smiling to Fr.Rajeev’s praises for you. As they say, some things are beyond human understanding. No science can ever prove it for it has to be felt and only felt.The first day, I entered the 9th class and asked them whether they at least knew the basics-the files and the folders, the icons, the cursors, and they were so proud to say that they were taught by you. They still remember you and with them, I’ll too, eternally! They’ll make it a point to mention your name at least once a day.Your life, as told by Fr.Rajeev, has inspired me somewhere. He feels so proud that you were a part of XSSS.The way you used to prepare children for the annual function, how for you there were no social barriers and how you made Computers fun for them.I’m sure you are there somewhere, smiling each time when a kid thinks of you, reading each letter which is addressed t you, watching out the performances of children each annual function and applauding them.You were an angel, as father says, you will always be there, shining bright in the sky.
Keep smiling,With regards,Pooja :)
PS: Mukta used to give voluntary teaching services to the marginalized and under privileged kids who used to come to Loyola Evening School. She was a 4th year Engineering student and had dreams a-load to fulfill. But God had some different plans for her. On the night of 30th December, 2012, suddenly she started experiencing a terrible headache followed by blood vomits. It was 31st, when doctors announced that she was in coma and would live not more than 24 hours. On Jan 1st ,2013,she flied there, to the heaven. When Father and the rest of the staff went there to her obituary, her parents handed over a packet to Fr. Which was addressed to him by Mukta.He unwrapped it only to find ₹ 25,000 ,all from her savings, to be donated to LES.
These are the people who leave footprints in the sand as their bodies walk away to heaven.