That's right the big 3-0!!
The best thing is I don't feel like I'm 30. Gary and I have been through a lot together as a couple and before we were even together. We thought we would give you the 30 best things we have learned. Hope you learn something! :)
1. We are not perfect. It's impossible!
2. People don't notice your mistakes as much as you think they do.
3. Join a gym & GO!! Consider it like your electric bill.
Don't make the same mistake twice. It's no longer a mistake. 5. You will have trials, but they will make you realize how good things can be. 6. Have a date night each week. Be creative not to spend money. 7. Be flexible. 8. Don't linger in the past. Only mess up your future. 9. Be Generous! 10. Work Hard! 11. Be Nice to everyone! 12. Don't be afraid to step outside your box. 13. Don't think about how they said it, but what they said. 14. It is alright to cry, laugh, and be angry. We are all human! 15. Take LOTS of pictures. (Check I do that! Just ask my family.) 16. Don't worry about the Jones'. Be yourself! 17. Spend time with family! 18. Quick to Listen! Slow to Speak! 19. Don't blame others for your problems. 20. Go to church. 21. Friends really do come and go. Some come back. Some don’t. That's alright. 22. You can have anything you want. 23. Don't settle!23. Successful people read books. Plus, DEFINE your own rules for success!! 24. Passion can go a long way. 25. Ask for what you want. 26. To the previous one, list to your body! 27. Don't linger in the past. Only mess up your future. 28. Spend time for yourself. 29. Eat Breakfast food for dinner every now and again. 30. Home is where you make it.