The bollard of the wall...
London's 'Borough Market' is certainly worthy of a visit and a little look beyond the bars/eateries. A simple stones through from the Market you'll find 'Southwark Cathedral' the remaining parts of 'Winchester Palace' the 'The Golden Hinde' and last but not least these rather amazing bollards that certainly need further investigation and join a list that actually require/need sampling to assess their age/date.
The picture (above/below) is of a bollard that happens to be sunk into the wall of a building which due to many coats of paint looks pretty old but not easy to date.
Another angle...
Urban clearway...
The Gloriana and Crayon bollards...
The bollard (second from above) isn't as old as the others but it does carry a typical London urban clearway sign and creates a dual use of this particular design.
The #guestbollard today is from within the Olympic park where we can see the tall 'Crayon' like bollards with the beautiful Royal row barge the Gloriana moored safely. Yet again I must take the opportunity to thank @WildGooseLeys on the twitter for this great picture. Its also appropriate to thank her for all her hard work has a gamesmaker at London 2012.
Talking of the Olympics I must mention that @vivyouell on the twitter is taking part in the closing ceremony tonight, good luck and enjoy the moment.
Can I thank all the Volunteers, members of our Armed Services, Emergency services and all members of Team GB for an Olympic games like no other.
Bollards of London 2012...