Diaries Magazine

Matrimony Monday

Posted on the 25 November 2012 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
This weekend Kendra from A Proverbs 31 wife was looking for another co-host to her blog hop. I was super excited to see it and responded immediately. I tweeted her and emailed her. I am so thankful that I am not part of a great group of ladies.
When I first started to blog more consistently I had a post called Marriage Monday. I had to stop to focus on other things. I have been talking about doing it again.
I'm sure most of you know, but here's a quick recap. I married Gary in April 2011. We met in October 2009 while we were working for a NBA D-League team. He left the team to work for a racing track in November. He asked me out on his last day. (He has a thing about dating people he works with.)
We continued talking while he was Kansas. We both had just gotten out of relationships, and wanted to be single. In February we started dating. A month later I moved to work for a team in North Carolina. A few weeks later we got let go. So I flew back to Kansas City so he could drive me back to Iowa the following weekend. But he proposed before heading back to Iowa. So I stayed in Kansas with him.
We decided to have a long engagement due to the fact we haven't been together for long. Also we wanted to give our families time to get to know each other.
We got married, and have been together for almost 2 years. It has definitely been a learning experience, but I'm so happy and wouldn't change anything.
This week I planned for it to be just an introductory post. I got a great book a few months ago called "For the Love of our Husbands", and I'm going to blog about that devotional. The author is Darby Duggar and she is absolutely amazing.
If you would like to do the devotional with
me let me know. I would love to make it a big group. Also if there is anything I can pray for you about please let me know. I would love to. Please feel to email me anytime at [email protected]

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