Diaries Magazine

Medical Mondays: Goodbyes

Posted on the 05 August 2013 by Missliabilities
Cannot believe it has been a whole year since Medical Mondays began. Last year I was packing all my stuff up and saying goodbyes to my friends as I moved to Pennsylvania for my boyfriend in medical school. I was also constantly checking the CPA website to see if I had passed my last exam :).
Look at us now! I'm a CPA and 25% done with grad school. I'm engaged to my best friend who successfully completed his 2nd year of med school with awesome Step 1 scores. Mori, who was so passionate about medicine a year ago, is now getting his application together for an engineering program. Crazy! I feel a little bad about participating in the blog hop but I guess I can qualify as a participant until he starts his masters next spring :).
Anyways, as I've indicated in previous posts, Lab Coats and Liabilities is now closing. The whole leaving med school thing wasn't the primary reason - I've just outgrown the name and need something different. I'll be adding the bloggers I know who follow me to the other blog so look out for new followers. A few of you who do not blog (and haven't already given me your email), please email me at missliabilities@gmail.com for the new blog link.
It's been a wonderful 2.5 years blogging here and I'm glad to have met all of these wonderful people through the blog. All the best!
-Elle & Mori

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