Rewind to the Beginning
Last Monday, the 10th of September, my oldest son officially reached the halfway point to being considered an adult. Scarily, it only seems like yesterday he was born so I'm hoping the next nine years rapidly slow down. My first memory of Ben is of a tiny, sparkly-eyed, bubble-blowing, perfect little bundle. I'll never forget that rush of overwhelming love when I set eyes on him for the first time. This little boy changed my world forever the day he made me a Mummy.
Here we are, nine years on, and my baby is now a handsome little boy who I could not be prouder of. He is caring, clever, determined and full of fun and mischief. He loves whizzing about on his bike, playing video games, is an awesome singer and has a fascination with technology, space, and science.

Some days he needs a little extra encouragement and a push to get him focused but wow, once he is in the zone, he amazes and impresses. He's a witty little guy who can have us all in stitches and when he laughs you can't help but laugh too. His brother and sister adore him. Zachary definitely hero-worships his big bro and races to keep up with him when it comes to riding his bike and playing games.

Birthday Wish
My birthday wish for Ben is another year of awesomeness, even better than the one before. I hope he has fun and achieves everything he sets out to do while getting the much-deserved recognition for it along the way. So here is to a year of seeing lots of smiles on Ben's face.
Now to help him start compiling his list of 10 things before he is 10...