Self Expression Magazine

My Pretty Prizes from Love Cynthia ❤

Posted on the 24 May 2014 by Genzelkisses

Early warning guys, pretty photos and pink stuff overload in this post! :D I’ve been obsessed with taking pretty pictures lately. I’m not an expert tho but beautiful photographs inspire me a lot that’s why I’m so active on my Instagram and on my Pinterest account (both @genzelkisses, follow? ^_^). Last month, I joined a photo contest on Instagram by one of the most talented and creative women I know, Cynthia, who is also the beautiful owner of Love Cynthia.

Genzel Kisses (c)

My entry on Instagram

Cynthia and I, we both love pink and beautiful things. She’s actually one of my inspirations for creating anything pretty. The contest mechanics were to snapshot a photo (pink theme), upload it on instagram, and put the necessary hashtags. You know guys how much I love pink so I decided to join. I honestly didn’t expect to be one of the winners. She chose 5 winners by the way! If you wanna see the other entries, just search on your IG, #pinkLoveCynthia.

Now, I’m so excited to share with you guys everything that I received! These all came straight from France! Ayeee!

Love Cynthia Bijoux et Accessories - Genzel Kisses (c)

Cynthia knows I’m a huge fan of Eiffel Tower. I dream to go to Paris one day and stare at the beautiful, majestic attraction.

Love Cynthia Bijoux et Accessories - Genzel Kisses (c) - Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower miniatures! That keychain is now attached to my car keys! So so pretty!

Love Cynthia Bijoux et Accessories - Genzel Kisses (c) - Earrings - Hair Ties

Lovely Accessories!

Love Cynthia is her online shop where she sells her own creations. Yes, everything handmade in France! I love everything in her shop, from the items down to the packaging. Been wanting to have these kind of hair ties and now I have them in pastel colors! Yey! Those pairs of earrings are so cute! I have some like these when I was in college.

Love Cynthia Bijoux et Accessories - Genzel Kisses (c) - Sephora - Benefit Cosmetics - LAQA Co - Nicka K - Repetto Paris

These makeups made me so excited too! That Repetto Paris is my current favorite scent which lasts the whole day or more. Finally! Benefit They’re Real!!! I’ve been hearing a lot of great stuff about this mascara and I’m dying to get one but it’s on the pricey side so I’m so thankful she included this! *happy dance, oh yeah!* I love Sephora Instant Moisturizer and the powder! LAQA & Co. and Nicka K New York lippies are new to me, I can’t wait to try them too!

Thank you so much Cynthia for being so generous and for inspiring me always! :) You can follow her on Instagram and be blown away with her beautiful gallery at @lovecynthia.

FB and Instagram: shoplovecynthia

Good news! I won again on a photo contest (first prize) on Instagram. I love joining photo contests (where winning is not only by likes but the photo itself). I will be sharing with you again guys my prize once they arrived!

So far, what’s your most favorite item above? :D I love every single item she sent me!

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