Following: The Influence Network. Loving them right now
Noticing: How negative that I have been & need to change Knowing: To be more active in my prayer/quiet time Thinking: About my bible verse for February. James 1:22 So get rid of all the filth and evil in your lives, and humbly accept the word God has planted in your hearts, for it has the power to save your souls. Feeling: Refreshed Watching: Downton Abbey, Real Housewives, Vanderpump Rules, Property Brothers Listening to: KLove Obsessing over: The Influence Network Learning: My Passions Bothered by: How somebody feel it's alright to treat people Eating: Way too much chips and queso Wasting time on: Social media Praying for: Peace and following God's plan for me Working on: Rediscovering my passions and purpose
Looking forward to: Everything that is head of me. Wasting:time
Marveling: On how some people are behaving.
Bookmarking: Anything I find motivating. Writing: One Thousand Gifts & in my journal.
This is my life right now. I'm in a stage of self discovery. I didn't think that I would go through this but I'm actually looking forward to what the future brings.