Diaries Magazine

My Social Experiment

Posted on the 12 December 2014 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
Since November I haven't really dedicated much time to this little space. I'm really not sure where it's going to go in 2015. I have my idea of what I would like but not sure if I really want to put that time into it anymore. I love blogging, but lately it has seemed like a job. A job that I don't want to do. I know that we all do things that we don't want to do but I want to use my time more intentional. 

I have talked about doing this for some time, and this weekend I am FINALLY doing it. I am deleting all social media apps from my phone and ipad this weekend. I will be completely social media free this weekend. I am debating on if I want to be completely email free as well. 

I have been a little crazy lately with my cell phone, and checking it all the time. I think I need to relax a little bit with it. I really want to refocus on things and whats really important. I had so many great ideas for November and the follow through was lackluster to say the least. 

So next week I'll let you know how it goes!! 

My Social Experiment Image Map

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