We have been busy over the last few weeks getting the twin's nursery cleared out and organised. All of Ben's teeny tiny baby clothes have been unpacked and are folded in the twin's new chest of drawers, waiting for them. It was a bit of a trip down memory lane sorting the clothes out as each little item brought back some special memories. Ben got involved too and had quite a lot of fun helping empty the boxes, although I think that could just have been because he wanted to get inside the boxes and play.
Ben "helping" sort out the boxes of clothes
Our lovely Stokke Sleepi is raised up and taking pride of place in the twins room with it's mobile attached and canopy on. The baby bouncer is reassembled and two car seats are ready to go. Seeing the car seats sitting side by side, knowing they will be filled with two little babies soon, suddenly makes everything become very real which is exciting and scary at the same time. It's certainly going to be a whole different experience bringing two little newborns home instead of one this time around.
I have also started getting things together for my hospital bag, it's early I know but I want to be prepared just in case. I have ordered a few new baby clothes to pack and I decided to treat myself to a new nightie and pj's which arrived yesterday. I think I'll pick up some little nappies tomorrow and must dig out a few other bits and pieces like blankets and so on. With Ben, we were in such a panic to get to the hospital and didn't really think he was actually on the way at the time that I never brought my hospital bag with me so I am certainly not going to make that mistake this time.
Last Sunday we had a tour of the maternity unit at the hospital I'm planning on giving birth in which wasn't a great experience to be honest. When I rang to book it and mentioned we were having twins, the person organising the tour said it wasn't really necessary in that case as surely I'm having a c-section which I didn't appreciate as nothing has been decided yet, I'm very glad I didn't listen to her though as I think it's important to know where to go, what the parking is like and visiting hours especially as we have never been to that hospital as all my appointments and scans have been at a local hospital. My first impressions weren't good, I was instantly put off when I spotted bloody fingerprints on the birthing ball in the labor room and the place was pretty shabby and basic compared to where I had Ben. The birthing unit on the other hand was much better but being high risk with twins this is unfortunately not an option for me. They also have a private suite which seems nicer but it's expensive and if there are any complications or you have a c-section you cannot go there for the first day or two so I am not sure about that either. I left the hospital disgusted and worried, on the brink of tears, but have since asked the advice of other twin mums in my local twins group and the responses have been mostly positive towards the place which is reassuring. Sure, everyone acknowledges it's a bit on the dark and dreary side but when it comes to the important things like care during labor and the NICU and SCBU people have nothing but praise for the nurses and doctors so I think the cosmetic aspect of the hospital fade into the background compared to that.
As for me, my bump is now pretty huge and the babies kicks and movements are so strong I regularly have alien like experiences with unidentified limbs protruding out all over my tummy. I would love to know if they have changed position so I could figure out what part is what but have to wait another week and a half for my next scan at just over thirty two weeks to see. I have also finally given in a and purchased some compression socks or "relief socks" as they are called as I couldn't take the excessive swelling and pain in my ankles and legs any more. So far they are helping a bit, they are more comfortable to wear than I thought they would be and actually don't look that bad on so I would definitely recommend them to anyone who is suffering with similar discomfort during pregnancy. Sleeping is also getting really difficult and it is hard to find a comfortable position to lie in without my bump or back aching not to mention the heartburn. It hasn't helped that Ben has been ill with a tummy bug this week either so I have been up all night with him for two days, thankfully he's on the mend though and should be back to normal in a few days. In fact, he woke up this morning talking about ice cream and chocolate cake so I think that's a good sign that he's getting better.
Ben & I taking photos of my 30 week twin bump
According to my pregnancy iPhone apps, the babies are now the size of a head of lettuce each which I find quite amusing, weighing almost four pounds each - heavy lettuces. By now amazingly, their digestive system is all set and ready to go and they are accumulating fat under their skin which is turning their skin opaque rather than see-through making them look more newborn like. Their eyesight is also improving and the iris can dilate and constrict in response to light and dark with the iris starting to become pigmented. So there is certainly a lot going on with them. Everything I read about this stage onwards says to expect a growth spurt as they begin to fatten up, I best accommodate them and bake that chocolate cake Ben was asking about so all my children can benefit. It's still not completely hitting me that within seven weeks max I will go from being a mommy of one to three. Wow and scary excitement hits again..
My Pregnancy apps - iPregnancy, WTE Pregnancy, Bounty