I would love to help people.
Define Success in your own terms, achieve it by your own rules, and build a life you're proud to live. - Anne Sweeney
If you remember my rant about not being in the right space this is a continuance of that post. We recently moved to California from Seattle, and looking for a job at first was challenging. All the places I wanted to work weren't hiring for the position that I was wanting. (I took the job anyway to continue in hopes of spots opening.)
But the one question that always gets me during interviews. Where do I see myself in 5 years? Honestly, I have NO IDEA. If you do, send me a message because I am hopeless.
My version of success is being ENOUGH. This is something that I really struggle with. I am ENOUGH right where I am in the moment. I have enough information right now to make decisions. I am always pushing for the future. I am always worried or thinking about the future instead of enjoying the right now. Don't get me wrong I do have goals and sometimes work towards them, but for the most part I am wanting to focus on the right now.
Some tips for defining your own version of success:
1. Enjoy the victories.
I did a personality test a few years ago. I think it was Emotional Intelligence, and it did say that I don't enjoy the victories. I just keep pushing through to the big goal. Which is 100% me hands down. I am proud to say I am getting better each day but still hard.
2. Put on your blinders.
I have to focus on this one EVERY SINGLE DAY! I think I need is one that it the hardest for me. I tend to compare myself to a lot of people especially on social media. When I was blogging consistently I would always compare they have more side bar ads, sponsored posts, making money, etc. I would beat myself up about it. I wanted that too!
But by comparing myself to them I hid my own voice and opinions. Even now, I am fitness professional (oversaturated market) but I know that I have space on the table. We all do. Yes, fitness is fitness but I have a different outlook than others. We can all help people. We don't keep to compete against each other.
3. Evaluate yourself.
Where are you right now? We all know right now I am feeling like a big puddle of mess, but I am trying to re-train my brain. Re-train on positive thinking. Re-train on worth. Re-train on plans for this space. Then focus on what I will be doing better.
I think there are three keys to succeed in life: Bust your butt, pay attention, and fall in love; not just with a person but your work. -Jerry Seinfield