I'm currently sitting in my garden with my feet up and a glass of wine in hand enjoying the beautiful sunshine. Have you noticed how everyone seems in a better mood when the suns out? I even heard my usually grumpy next door neighbor singing and prancing around to an Elvis Presley tune as he watered his garden!
Anyway, just a little catch up with you all about my weekend. I had a bit of a family-orientated weekend which was lovely. I had a movie night with my mom on the Friday evening and we cracked open a bottle of prosecco and ordered a curry. I LOVE these nights with my mum, life can get so busy and its hard to always make quality time for parents but I think it's so important especially if you have a close relationship with them. Even though I live at home still one of us is usually out and about so we try and make an evening just for the two of us every couple of weeks.
On the Saturday my boyfriends parents were visiting from Yorkshire, and were meeting my mom and step-dad for the first time (eeeek!) as you can imagine we were both very nervous! You hear such horror stories about parents not getting along and it could all get very awkward. But luckily everyone got on so well, we had an amazing sunday roast (on a saturday, aren't we such rebels haha) and we all talked and laughed til the wee hours.
Now I'm having a very lazy sunday, which I believe all sundays should be. I'm taking today to catch up on my favorite blogs, lie in the garden, and watch a few more episodes of Prison Break. (I know i'm so late to this show but it's bloody amazing).
Also, good luck and well done to anyone reading this that took part in the London Marathon today, you are amazing and an inspiration, I can just about do 10 minutes on the treadmill!
How was your weekends? Have you done anything special?