Self Expression Magazine

New Seasons/Sleep Over With Kenzie

Posted on the 21 December 2012 by Courtyb34 @CourtyB34
Last weekend was a very fun, interesting weekend! First of all, my best friend came over for a fun filled, interesting sleep over, and we went to New Seasons, my favorite store of all! We had a few things to get there and I got to cross a couple things of my to-do list. We went to New Seasons first, before Kenzie came over. I had to control my excitement. It was such a fun day. New Seasons... I can't even describe how much I love that store. Any health food store really. I know I am not completely organic, but I would so love to be. It is expensive to be organic, but I do try to be. When we walked in, they had a lot of samples to try, they always do. We had some of the samples and one of the samples were these delicious mandarin orange slices. After we tried a couple slices, we had to get some. We found the mandarin oranges in a pretty good sized bag, and put them in our basket. We ended up buying them and they are way better than the Cuties clementines. They are easier to peel, taste better, and organic. 
New Seasons/Sleep Over With Kenzie I have had one every day for lunch! I love citrus. Energizes me, makes me happier, puts me in a good mood.  Also at New Seasons, we got some new Camelbak water bottles. It was time for some new ones, and these Camelbaks are really nice. Every since a year ago, when we first tried out Camelbak water bottles, I have been obsessed with the company. I like the way I can drink out of a Camelbak, I can't drink water out of anything else. Drinking out of a glass is so weird now. Drinking out of my Camelbak is so much better!  I got a Camelbak eddy, in Purple :) New Seasons/Sleep Over With Kenzie These water bottles are absolutely fantastic! I recommend them to everybody looking for a new water bottle. They are amazing! Only $12.50 at New Seasons, and that is the cheapest I have seen it. Every where else they are $14.50, or $15.00. New Seasons is the cheapest place.  There are these chocolate bars that are wrapped as if they were going to be mailed. Kind of like a post card. The wrappers are adorable! New Seasons was having a sale, by 2 of the chocolate bars for $4.00. Perfect deal! So, for when Kenzie came over, I got a Raspberries in Dark Chocolate bar and a Coffee Crunch in Dark Chocolate. They are seriously the best organic chocolate bars. I love them! New Seasons/Sleep Over With Kenzie We then got the French baguette, which we always get there, and some nice coconut oil. I always rave about coconut oil. All the many benefits of coconut oil. I now wash my face with coconut oil and have had amazing results, just in a week! My aunt told me about it, since she washes her face with coconut oil too, and she said that she had amazing results. I too have had amazing results. I also use a little bit in my hair as an extra conditioner. I use my argan oil conditioner along with my coconut oil. It makes my hair super soft, and super easy to work with, and super healthy.  New Seasons/Sleep Over With Kenzie We bought our things, and went home. Kenzie arrived basically right after we got home. I was so excited to see her! I haven't seen her in such a long time, and it was great to see her and get to hang out with her. We pigged out on the chocolate bars and we watched a Gilmore Girls episode, then we went to church at Living Hope. It was a great service... Pastor John talked about the shootings, and how 'The Why' it happened should and shouldn't be on our minds, it's 'The Who' will take care of it after, 'Who' will take care of us after? God. Don't think of 'The Why', think of 'The Who', and that really impacted me. I always think of 'Why is this happening? What is the reason?' but now I should start looking past the answers, God is the answer. God is the answer. Just look to God and he will take care of you. I really liked hearing that. It was important to hear that, especially after the crazy week last week. The church service had worship throughout the service. I used to hate worship time, standing up and singing. Now I love it. I love worshiping God, standing up and singing out to him. Especially the worship music, it makes me feel safe and I love lifting my voice up to Him. Something that also made a big impact on me, Pastor John explained that when we hold onto something, such as our grief, or a problem; he used his fist as an example; but when we keep a hold of something, we aren't allowing God's blessings in, because we have a tight hold onto our problems or griefs. Again, just let it go and let God take care of you. Just let go and let God bless. It was really nice. I kept asking Kenzie how she liked it, and she said, "It was different, but I liked it." That made me happy. After church, we went to the store and picked up a couple of pizzas and then went home and watched about 3 discs of Castle! We ate pizza and watched Castle! It was such a fun night.  Some of the pictures are a wee bit fuzzy since I took some of  them with my front camera. New Seasons/Sleep Over With Kenzie New Seasons/Sleep Over With Kenzie New Seasons/Sleep Over With Kenzie New Seasons/Sleep Over With Kenzie I love that girl. Ha. She is so fun to hang out with, and I am so comfortable around her. We can do crazy things together and laugh about them later. That's what a best friend is. She is so awesome! Such a strong Christian, such a great friend, I admire her. Thank you for being my amazing, crazy, bestest best friend, Kenzie!   In the morning, we woke up close to ten. We put on Gilmore Girls (we obviously watch way too much TV when we are together. oh well. We love it!) and my mom made us cinnamon rolls and hot chocolate. We got to use the cute hot chocolate treats! The cute candy-cane marshmallow things.  It was really delicious!  New Seasons/Sleep Over With Kenzie We also had Christmas M&Ms for breakfast. Kenzie brought them over and we pigged out on them. Couldn't let them go to waste! Also... we choco-aholics. It's okay to be one.  New Seasons/Sleep Over With Kenzie From eating all the sweets, I had a really bad stomach ache after we stopped eating for a little bit. I had to make some detox water. Detox water helps clean me out and helps me feel much better after a stomach ache. I used some lemon, and some of the mandarin oranges that we bought the day before at New Seasons, add some ice and water, put it in a mason jar, always in a mason jar. Kenzie really liked the picture of my detox water :) New Seasons/Sleep Over With Kenzie My aunt came over later and she gave my sister and I a little jar filled with homemade Candy Cane body scrub, made with REAL crushed up, fine chopped into candy cane dust Candy Canes! I love using it in the shower! It scrubs really nice, and of course smells delicious. My Aunt Shawna was going to make a different kind of candy cane scrub, but all that involved was regular granulated sugar and peppermint essential oil. Kind of boring... and simple. So I mentioned that she should just crush up candy canes into dust, candy cane sugar, and mix it with granulated sugar for REAL candy cane body scrub. I have used it a couple times, since I only got it last weekend, and I LOVE IT! Thank you Aunt Shawna! Two heads are better than one. I can't wait to make the coconut milk shampoo!  New Seasons/Sleep Over With Kenzie Before Kenzie left, we were obsessing over this one blog. I have blogged about them before, but I told Kenzie about them and I got her hooked on their instagram, and twitter and blog. the road is home blog. Kenzie and I were looking at their instagrams, and twitters. We are so inspired by this cute little Aussie family. They are so fascinating, and interesting. They have a healthy life style, and they are photographers. They travel all over. They have the cutest baby girl. They have such an interesting life! We admire them.  It was a really fun sleep over, and a really fun weekend! So glad I got to spend some time with my best friend. Love you Kenzie! Can't wait for Zoo Lights!

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