I started this blog as a journal to show our family our life during our time in OKC and planning our wedding. Even though I haven't posted anything on my wedding. There are reasons behind that. Maybe one day I will, but not right now.
There have been times that I have dreaded coming to this blog. I felt like I couldn't be myself or I was posting for others and not myself. To be honest I haven't really been real on this blog. I mean real like Kym. If I could trade writing places with any blogger she would top 3 without a doubt. I love open and raw she is when she writes, and with the new name change I am hoping that I can do that.
As much as I have gone back and forth with this blog I am just not ready to be done with it. I don't why but it keeps pulling me back. Like I said when I rebranded I don't feel like I need to be here everyday. Maybe that will change but right now this is what works for me. I know y'all are probably tired of bloggers saying what they are or aren't going to do on their space. I get, I do but this is something I need to put down in writing.