We were recently sent Now is Good on DVD to review which I have to say is a bittersweet film that I definitely recommend having a box of tissues nearby while watching as there will be tears.

The film, based on the book Before I Die by Jenny Downham, tells the story of Tessa (played by Dakota Fanning aka Jane from Twilight), a seventeen year old girl who is passionate about life. When she is diagnosed with terminal cancer, Leukaemia, she determines to use every moment, compiling a catalog of what a normal teenager would experience, including losing her virginity and taking drugs. With the help of her friend Zoey, she sets the list in motion. While her family deals with fear and grief, each in their own way, Tessa explores a whole new world. Falling in love with Adam (played by Jeremy Irvine), her new neighbour, wasn't on the list, but it proves to be the most exhilarating experience of them all.
When asked "What are you doing?", Tessa replies, "As much as I can, as fast as I can.." which pretty much sums up her quest throughout the film. She is now on her journey to the end, ticking things off her "bucket list" after her doctor encouraged her to do the things she wanted.

It is one of those films that will have a different viewing experience for the viewer depending on their stage in life. Teenagers, especially girls, will relate to Tessa and will most likely love the romance between Tessa and Adam, parents on the other hand will empathise with Tessa's parents (played by Olivia Williams and Paddy Considine) as they struggle to cope and come to terms with losing their child but the underlying message is the same for all and that is to live life to the full.

Now is Good wasn't entirely what I expected, there was more to it than a cry-your-eyes-out-sad movie as it had both funny and sad moments. I am glad I didn't go to the cinema to watch this one given the amount of tears I shed (and no that is not just because I am more emotional than normal being pregnant). Overall I enjoyed it, it was well directed, the actors were convincing and the story believeable. Now is Good was released on the 21st January and is available to purchase from the usual retailers including Amazon.
* Disclaimer: I was sent a copy of this DVD in exchange for a review. All opinions and views are my own.