Today a friend from OKC wrote about what is in like to be a Sooner fan! While we lived in OKC, we really never picked a side. We got to go to a OU/OSU baseball game, called Bedlam.
Sooner Football As the The Pride of Oklahoma marches across the field in their famous interlocking OU formation flawlessly playing "Boomer Sooner," something happens in the atmosphere. We have been officially prepped. Our Sooners are about to take the field!!
Football season or not, just mention the word "Sooners" to an OU fan and you can watch their spirit awaken. Ask them what colors represent Sooner Pride, and "Crimson and Cream" will be their response. And it's common knowledge that you don't have to be native to Oklahoma to be "Sooner Born and Sooner Bred"!
The Oklahoma standard is to "Play Like A Champion." With seven national championships under their belt, I think it's safe to go ahead and believe in that Sooner Magic you may have heard about because it's real!! So point that finger toward the heavens, sing our alma mater, beam with pride when the Sooner Schooner takes the field after an Oklahoma touchdown, and answer the call when someone shouts "BOOMER." Because after all "There's Only One Oklahoma"!
Now on to the OSU Cowboys! While leaving in OKC, we never made it up to Stillwater to go to a game. Probably one of the biggest things we regret. I absolutely LOVE this next blogger to talk about OKC. It is Jennifer from Vintage Gwen.
Hello College Football lovers! I sure couldn't pass up an opportunity to write a little about my Alma Mater! I loved attending Oklahoma State University!

And let me just say that going to a college football game is a must! It should be done at least once because there's just no other experience like it! Of course there's all kinds of tailgating but Stillwater has a unique place to add to the game experience.....Eskimo Joe's!

And for this apparel merchandising major it was more about Joe's Clothes! Yep I worked there....even did my internship there which was so fun! So as you can image I worked a lot of game days but man that was something else! People everywhere! And we won't talk about how many t shirts I have! Eskimo Joe's has been around since 1975 and started out as a bar. Then food was added and then clothing. They host live bands and have a huge anniversary celebration in July. Truly a unique Oklahoma destination!

I'm ready for some football now!! Thanks Jessa for having me!

OSU/OU by onehaolegirl

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