Creativity Magazine

"O"my Destiny.......(part II)

Posted on the 30 November 2011 by Alka Narula @narulaalka
fairy sparkle animated girl graphic
Its a dream come true its a union of souls,life seems to have losend the control ...."O" my destiny it feels so nice to be out of your control, my destiny "O"my destiny !!
Its a treat to heart which beats on evry tweet of wind that blows.....every sound i hear  ignites a rhythm of emotions uncontrolled , "O" my destiny i am relieved of pain that you poured !!
The life seems a  sail with emotional over flow, i fear i may collapse with rhytm of emotions untrolled....i waited for long to break free frm my desiny "O" my destiny , my destiny!!
Its a thanksgiving night when you set me free , i thought i will never be able to get free from grip of my destiny "O" my destiny !!
The love seems to flourish and life seems a bed of rose(roses) the unaccomplished dreams i had, seem to have come so close..."O" my destiny , its a thanks giving night for letting me flee !!
The life i led on earth was bed that sored , i am pleased to have broken free from that  spell of yours  now am aboard a padestal that is not in your control , "O"my destiny i kneel on my knees for setting my soul free  "O" no more my destiny" "O"destiny !!
copyright(c)alka narula
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