Diaries Magazine

Our New Place

Posted on the 17 September 2013 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
We recently moved into our new place and we are so happy to be in a much better place. When we first moved to Arizona a little over a year we didn't know the area so we got an apartment close to the Arizona State campus. 

Now that we know the area a lot better we moved to Phoenix. It's better because we are closer to downtown, closer to work, a little further from Gary's work but he is alright with that, and many more reasons. 

Pro: Out of our old apartment. We HATED this place. It was 600 square feet but 2 bedrooms. 

Con: It didn't look like the pictures we saw when we were looking in Oklahoma City.

Pro: The location is great. Now that we drove around the new area it was has so much more than we expected. 

Con: It's a 1 bedroom apartment. In our old apartment we had 2 bedrooms so if a lot of stuff that didn't have a place went in the spare room. 

Pro: We can finally decorate and make it a home. We have been talking colors, pictures, decor, etc. 

Con: It's still an apartment. We can decor but we can't do everything that I want because it is still apartment. 

Pro: We are closer to downtown so we can make it to more events. Plus one of my blogging besties, Crystal Faye is closer. 

Con: Really don't have any. 

Pro: It's Cheaper!! We are saving a lot of more money so we can pay off some debt. 

Pro: We are so excited to be in our place! Expect lots of posts about how we decorated our new place!!
Our New Place Image Map

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