Self Expression Magazine

Oven-Baked Apple Doughnuts

Posted on the 16 January 2012 by Courtyb34 @CourtyB34
I had a real urge to bake yesterday. I went on Pinterest and found the perfect recipe, because the ingredients consisted of everything I had in the house already. When I made them, they went by so fast! I guess they were pretty popular. Next time I make them though, I am going to put cream cheese in the middle of them. I make so many things with cream cheese in the middle, it's crazy! But cream cheese is very good and somewhat nutritional. I got this recipe from Our Chocolate Shavings. It's a cute blog that I have viewed before, with amazing dessert recipes. I got this awesome recipe from them, but my doughnuts turned out a little different them their's. Such as, they don't look the same, but I think my doughnuts turned out just fine. The reason they don't look the same is because I didn't coat the doughnuts after they were done baking, I forgot that there was another part to the recipe but they tasted just fine. When I make them again, I will coat them and put cream cheese in them. 
Oven-Baked Apple Doughnuts


      ~1/4 cup of lightly packed brown sugar
      ~1/4 cup of white sugar
      ~1 1/2 cups of bite size chunks of apple, peeled and cored
      ~1 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour
      ~1 3/4 tsp baking powder
      ~1/2 tsp salt
      ~1 tsp nutmeg
      ~1/3 cup of cold butter, cut into small pieces
      ~1 egg
      ~1/4 cup of milk
           Coating(For those of you who would like to coat :)
       ~1/4 cup of butter, melted
       ~1/3 cup of sugar
       ~1 tsp of cinnamon powder (or ground cinnamon)
DirectionsPreheat the oven to 350F. Whisk the flour, baking powder, sugars, salt and the nutmeg in a bowl. Oven-Baked Apple DoughnutsOven-Baked Apple DoughnutsAdd the cold chopped butter. I sliced mine in little checker-board style. It was easy for rubbing together with the flour. I would mix the butter and the flour mixture with my hands (and I did), it's just so much easier to make the flour mixture into coarse crumbs this way.Oven-Baked Apple DoughnutsOven-Baked Apple DoughnutsOven-Baked Apple Doughnuts
Oven-Baked Apple DoughnutsNext, chop up your apples and have them ready for when you need them. Remember to peel them.Oven-Baked Apple DoughnutsOven-Baked Apple DoughnutsOven-Baked Apple DoughnutsOven-Baked Apple DoughnutsNow, Mix the egg and milk together. Beat the egg and the milk. I poured a little bit of organic apple cider in this mixture, just to add to the apple. Oven-Baked Apple DoughnutsOven-Baked Apple DoughnutsOven-Baked Apple DoughnutsFold in the chopped up apples, and pour the apple/egg mixture into the flour mixture. Stir with a spatula and don't over stir. Oven-Baked Apple DoughnutsOven-Baked Apple DoughnutsOven-Baked Apple DoughnutsOven-Baked Apple DoughnutsIn an oiled/buttered mini cupcake pan, spoon some batter into the cupcake pan. Don't over fill them.(Using my new pan I got for Christmas:) so excited. It's a very nice pan!)Oven-Baked Apple DoughnutsOven-Baked Apple DoughnutsBake them for 15 minutes...Oven-Baked Apple DoughnutsAnd when removed from the oven, let them cool and enjoy! Oven-Baked Apple DoughnutsOven-Baked Apple DoughnutsOven-Baked Apple DoughnutsOven-Baked Apple DoughnutsHope you enjoy! YUM!!!Like I said above, they went by super fast, so even without the coating, they were terrific!

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