Diaries Magazine

P90x – Off, Now Back ON

Posted on the 23 November 2011 by Thesecretlifeofjen

Four days break from exercise, how it scares me.  It should have only been three, but yesterday, I missed the boat.

Yes, my girlfriend was in town, and yes it is hard to engage in hardcore, 2+ hrs per day exercise with visitors.  But no, I did not have to indulge so much over the weekend, nor continue it into a fourth day.

I want fitness, health, + a smashing hot body wouldn’t hurt ;)   :)   So I need to get this started.

Today was back on track – Cardio this morning, chest, shoulders, triceps and abs this evening.  It felt good :)

Although I am loving p90x, it is not going to be feasible to keep it up while on holidays and back and forth visiting home.  So, over the next couple of weeks, any day I am unable to do the p90x thing, hello cardio.  Only 16 days until New Zealand – excitment!

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