My babies are Pampers babies. I have always used Pampers since my first son was born in 2009, I tried other brands if I wasn't able to get my trusted brand and none could ever compare. I was therefore more than up for the Pampers Active Fit #SagGoneSwagOn challenge and the whole technology behind how these nappies absorb liquid really interested me.
The Magic of Pampers Active Fit
Pampers Premium Protection™ Active Fit are the first and only nappies with Magical Pods. These Magical Pods are absorbing channels that help to distribute wetness evenly, so the nappy stays up to two times drier and doesn’t sag like the next leading brand. Free from saggy nappies, your baby can keep on grooving!Pampers Active Fit Magical Pods
I was sent a kit to help understand the magic behind Active Fit Nappies which contained all the items below.

Following the instructions and using the kit here is a little demo I did with the help of my 6 year old to show just how the Magical Pods work.
The Proof
To demonstrate the swag factor of Pampers my Twinkies are more than happy to put them to the test. As you can see even climbing on top of a Little Tikes Cosy Coupe is not hindered by nappies. Zoey practices her ballet and pirouets and well they dance and run about like crazy with nothing stopping them. It's all swag here!* Disclaimer: I'm working with BritMums and Pampers testing Active Fit nappies with new no-sag technology. I have been compensated for my time. All editorial and opinions are my own. Visit www.pampers.co.uk/star-product/pampers-active-fit today for more information.