Creativity Magazine

Please Find Me....

Posted on the 10 January 2012 by Alka Narula @narulaalka
please find me....
the nights are silent ,i hear no laughter in the day time....a bird like i fly, in search of shelter before the night arrives with the silence it knocks me down...i feel the pain  setting inside ,i close my eyes and pray for some one to be my life before its too late...
i feel like a desert without the rain and i cry at times for some one to relieve me of this i know is  inscribed by the destiny that i can not change .....but believe in me i did not deserve this painful life....a disaster was bound to strike was written in my name.....
now when i know the life has chosen  me to bear this pain but make no sound.....i live alone in the silence that grips me from all words of silence are all i have to convey my pain....if you get to know and believe in me,where ever you are please find me i am lost in this world.....
copyright(c)alka narula
photo credit my

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