What if I say I want to become a Terrorist Healer?
Nobody has a right to take anybody’s life.
Not even the law
but then the law is meant to punish a culprit
and hence it is supposed to impose the severest punishment of death for rare crimes.
If I had not to work for a living
If all that was taken care of
Automatically by me having a
Fat account in bank in such a
Then I would have looked around
To see where I am needed the most
Where I can give my best
And what gives me the happiness
Of my life.
I did the same and found
Terrorism is a big black spot
On the heart of humanity.
I asked myself
What can I do to eradicate it?
Can I become a Terrorist Healer?
Killing terrorists will not suffice the purpose
You kill one and you find ten in place.
Terrorism is a wound.
It is a disease.
It needs a healing.
In fact, it needs a terrorist healer.
It needs a guiding factor
To show them the light of the day
So that the killer wanderers
Do not get lost in the darkness forever.
A terrorist has no name.
A cancer is a cancer
So is the terrorism.
I would have become a
Terrorist healer.
I would have gone places
Where they live.
Or rather where they hide.
I would have spoken to them.
Shown them the reality outside.
Shown them that there are real terrorists
Bigger than them
Living in the society
Living in cities, towns and villages,
Appearing normal.
Terrorist Healer To Teach A terrorist To Love Himself First

The real fight should be against those terrorists
that do not kill with gund in open
but keep wounding the society
in various manners
through various means.
Is there a measure to ascertain?
Which set of terrorists are
more dangerous?