“I cherish you.” Tell this to every moment you live
Live every moment with no guilt
So that when this moment deposits in the repository of
past, it makes it glorious.
You need a moment you can cherish
Instead, cherish every moment you get.
The present is the key to the past
It might be true in case of Uniformitarianism
Also, in case of memories
But not in case of her.
For her, the present is the key to the future.
She is always happy and at peace
That is God’s present to her
She refuses to think beyond the present.
That is her promise to herself.
Cherish moments to cherish memories.
Else forget the past and think about the present.
Because in the present moment, you can’t rewrite moments of the past.
You can only think about those.
Applaud, repent, or discard.
Don’t expect to find yourself in your present situation
if you didn’t cherish your moments yesterday.
Because today is there only for a particular moment,
after which it is getting into the big basket of past.
Today you can live every moment that is there for you.
Tomorrow it will just be an imprint of an emotion.
So, better not get that emotion go waste.
Let this moment not pass in a haste.
Make it a moment of happiness and peace
and cherish it like a drop of nectar.
Because you never know what the next moment
has in store for you.
Everything depends on you
because you are primary,
rest everything around you is
Cherish Every Moment of Life

You need to decide if you want to live
your moment of present
to make it a respectable part of your past
after this moment passes from the present.
And also it helps to find no reason
to repent of it in future.
There is a great connection between
all the moments of your past, present, and future.
But only if you understand.
After all, no moment can become the moment of past
Before you cherish it in the present.