Yesterday, it was raining. Not pouring, but it was raining hard enough to hear it on the roof. I got dressed in my board shorts and a t-shirt, I took a towel with me and went outside. I love getting my hair soaked by rain drops. I heard somewhere that it makes your hair softer... It really does! Every time I get my hair completely wet from rain drops, it always leaves my hair softer. I must look so silly to the houses around me. I am just dancing and frolicking in my backyard. I run the length of my yard, it's a pretty good sized yard. When it rains, I have the time of my life. I love the clouds when it rains, I love how it nourishes the ground and waters the plants. I love being in rainy Portland, Oregon.
I brought my phone out with me to take some pictures of me with my hair all wet and having fun. I took the pictures for this blog post actually... Having this blog post in mind. The rain was coming down pretty hard and I was afraid that the rain drops would damage my phone... But that didn't happen, thank goodness.
When I took these pictures, I had no makeup on. It would be hard to have my mascara on while I am in the rain because my mascara is not water proof. I think during one of the summer rain storms, I will put on some water proof mascara and get all prettied up for a pretty photo shoot in the rain. That would be so fun!
Here are the pictures I took yesterday. :) I am really proud of them, and I took all of these by myself. It helps me to be confident after having a low self esteem for the past few years. I look at myself and think that I am beautiful. I never boast about it.