We had to turn back around and take the long way back to our house, which is small and curvy roads. Which in the rain isn't very fun at all. We got back to the house and tried to pack for the weekend. (Luckily it was still a little light out to see things, but we have plants and stuff in front of the windows.
We have an intern living with us this summer, so we dropped him off with the other interns that were staying in WV this weekend. We reported the outage to our electric company. They couldn't give us a time when our electricity would back on, so off to Wal-Mart for candles. While in WM we checked again, and they said it would be on until 10am Saturday. Ugh! We tried to check for hotels, but everything was booked for the night. We went back home and lit candles everywhere and TRIED to finish up packing. I got to a point where I was like if I forgot it I'll just go buy it in Lexington.
We woke up early, and dropped Heisman off at Doggie Day Care. Then stopped at our favorite gas station, Sheetz. I love this place so much. It's a made to order food included at the station. I love it! The food is so good and the quantity is plentiful. I can never finish my meal completely. Finally on our way to Lexington. We have planned this trip several times but something usually came up that prevented us from going. We really didn't have itinerary either. I was a little nervous, because usually I have the tripped planned completely. But this weekend was a go with the flow type of weekend. (Earlier in the week I deleted practically everything off my iphone. So I couldn't check social media at all.)I was on my social media detox so it was a lot of talking time with the hubs, and getting caught up on my reading. I have so many half read books right. I need to finish them before starting anything else. Or I need to be alright with no finishing them, which is a real struggle for me. It was nice just looking around and not staring at my phone. I crocheted the beginning of a scarf and can't wait to finish it soon.
Finally we got to Lexington. First stop the MALL and most importantly THE APPLE STORE. I broke the screen back in February, and just getting around to fix it. It was funny how much my cracked screen bothered others more than me. Now we can move on from only talking about my busted phone because it's not busted anymore. For lunch we had Moe's which we NEVER have because they don't it any within reasonable driving distance. Last time we had Moe's was when we went to Nashville for the SEC Basketball Tournament and opening weekend for SEC Baseball. (Arkansas was playing Vanderbilt)
Next went to Target to see if they had any Day Designer planners. They did but not the ones that I wanted. So then off to a local brewery. Gary found this one for us. It's called West 6th Brewery, and yes there will be a post about it later. I took TONS of pictures. There was a fellow picture-holic on the tour. I would rather take TONS of pictures now then wish I should have taken that picture. She agreed.
We checked into our hotel next which was amazing. I will posting pictures later but wanted to talk about the weekend because I LOVE it. This was one of the first times Gary and I stay at a "higher" hotel and he picked out a good one. It was amazing!! Also I got a super kinda surprise from a fellow blogger, Sheryl from How to Make A Life, and tickets to the Junior League of Lexington Charity Horse Show. It was so nice of her, and next trip girl we are hanging out!!! We went to the horse show and HAD A BLAST!
I have loved horses ever since I was little. (Like every other little girl probably) My uncle use to breed horses and I remember a lot of times at the farm and helping him "get them ready." So anytime I can be around horses it makes me think of him and all the great tips that we had together.
No weekend would be complete without baseball right. We head to the Lexington Legends game. We got there at what we thought was with start of the 2nd game, but the 1st game went into extras. (Side Baseball note: If there is a double header mostly likely it is (2) 7 innings games.) The first game went 15 innings!! WHAT?! The game and fireworks didn't end until probably 10:30. We didn't stay for the 2nd game. We went back to our amazing hotel slept.
We explored the town. Then the hubs took me by the sorority house on the UK campus. I loved it! It's such a cute little area. Then decided to head to back Charleston, WV. Looking back it was really nice to come back on Sunday and just relax. The bad thing was we had to throw everything in the fridge away because the electricity was out for almost 24 hours. It was also nice just to be our own home.Sorry no pictures, but just a lot of words! I promise to post all pictures later this week. Most likely on Thursday. I am writing this post from work on my lunch break. So a quick review of what's to come this week. I'm hoping this holds me accountable on blogging more. I sure have missed it a lot.
Tuesday: Inspired Season with Bailey from Brave Love Blog
Wednesday: Pictures from this weekendThursday: Inspired Season or Bday post or combination of both.
Friday: Authenticate