Posted on the 03 August 2012 by Courtyb34
As you all know, or might know... well some of my readers know that I am a big fan of road trips! I love being in the car, and having a lot of free time to do whatever. To look out the window, to think, to play on my phone, to draw, to eat. ETC. You can do a lot in the car. I just got back from a week long road trip, and during all this past week, I have been in Oregon (started out there, here, because I live in Oregon!); California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah and Idaho and back to Oregon. So, in the past 7 days, I have been in 6 states! 2 of which I have been in before: Oregon and California. Every summer I go to California. This summer, I just passed through it. ha. In this post, I am going to give you a list and essential things that could be used on a road trip. Some things you might need to keep fresh and not feel all grimy. Some things to keep you entertained, some things to keep you fueled. So, welcome to Road Trip Essentials 101!I thought a picture of the road would be appropriate...It's actually a picture of Route 66!You could probably fit this in one big bag. If you don't have a big bag, you can do two smaller bags which is fine, if you don't mind having little feet room. I don't mind little feet room.I like to have a notebook and colored pencils with me in case I get inspired by something and I want to doodle. I'm not a very good artist, but I am a good doodler! Next, you should pack an extra pair of underwear and an extra pair of socks. You never know when you might need those. In my purse/backpack that I carry around with me everywhere, I have those things in there. A girl should always carry those things around.Next, I like to pack a light sweatshirt or light zip up hoodie. You never know when you could drive through colder weather. If you are taking a winter road trip, then pack lots of sweatshirts and maybe even a blanket. I am just doing a summer road trip essentials list.If you start off with wearing makeup on your road trip, I'd bring along some makeup remover towelettes. Those things are amazing! They don't only take off your makeup, but they cleanse your face too, like instant face wash. That sounds gross... but these towelettes are amazing! You can get a big pack of 30 from Target for like $2 to $3 and they last me a long while. Since this is a summer road trip essentials list, this is a must have: sun screen! You must bring at least SPF 30! That means you are 30 times more protected. You could bring SPF 15, but if you are going to a really sunny place, or really hot place like Nevada or Palm Springs, I'd bring the SPF 30, or even more!If you are addicted to your phone like I am, I'd bring a good phone charger adapter for the car. You can usually find these in the electronic sections or even on Amazon and or Ebay for cheap! These phone chargers plug into the cigarette lighter of your car and they work really great. It helped a lot for my road trip, having a phone charger for in the car. This includes your charger USB cord for your phone. You need the cord to plug into the adapter for the charger. Since we are on the subject of phones and chargers and electronics, don't forget to bring your phone and your camera for all those great snap shots you are going to take! When you are traveling, at least when I am traveling, I like to buy souvenirs. Lots of souvenirs. So be sure to bring plenty of $money$ for your souvenirs. You know, rest stops are pretty gross. They are especially gross when they are not equipped with soap. All I had was the Bath and Body Works hand sanitizers to wash my hands with. Next road trip I go on, before I leave, I am buying a little travel size liquid soap to take with me into the rest stops. I recommend you all do that if you are going to be traveling by car and stopping at rest stops. They are usually equipped with toilet paper, but you never know. You can buy travel size of toilet paper too, if you'd like. Also on a road trip, SNACKS are a must have. HEALTHY SNACKS! Like, bananas and a bag of baby carrots and some water. I am always with myCamelbak water bottle. I love my Camelbakwater bottle. I will never go anywhere without it. It is a part of me. I don't let anyone touch it, drink out of it, or even hardly look at it. That thing is sterile! It is my water bottle and no lips will ever touch it but mine. I wash it every weekend and use it every day. Ok.... But yes, Healthy snacks on the road are the best. You don't feel gross, you are kept fresh and you feel good. Definitely not chocolate on a road trip. Again, during the summer, the sun is out. Chocolate will melt. Do not get chocolate on the road. Please please do not get chocolate on the road. For on the road, or anywhere for that matter, I like to keep my NIVEALip Care: Kiss of Smoothness stick with me at all times. That stuff works awesome! I absolutely love that stuff. I also bring my hair brush along. When I have nothing to do, or I am just sitting in the car for a long while or even sitting in front of the TV, I brush my hair. It smooths your hair cuticles down so your hair doesn't get frizzy. It makes it smooth and so soft. For the long nights, the nights you sleep in the car, or for the times you want to sleep in the car, bring a pillow and a blanket. I love being cozy in the car. It makes the ride more comfortable. Also, if you have a purse or bag that is like your main bag that you take everywhere, bring that with you too. I brought my little backpack that I use as a purse and that had my NIVEA in it and my sunscreen and even bug spray. I don't know why I brought two bags... I could have just fit it all into one bag. Wow. I just down sized after the fact. Oh well, for next road trip! There are plenty of things to bring on a road trip. I am going to put a list of the little things I left out that are kind of essential--- just a few things.~tooth brush and tooth paste (travel size of both)~little cooler for water bottles and ice, and for your fruit and veggies. ~head phones Oh! I wouldn't wear hardly any jewelry on a road trip. Maybe a bracelet and a ring, but I wouldn't wear a necklace or ear rings. Those things could get caught on something and hurt you, or they could get lost, or broken. I wouldn't even hardly wear a bracelet. A friendship bracelet made out of the embroidery floss would be the only exception because it is soft. Well, that is about it. If you have any questions... don't know why you would... but if you do, or need help packing a bag for your road trips, comment if I missed something or if you just want to say 'HI'.I hope at least some of you found this list useful!