Diaries Magazine

S I X // 10 Things I'd Tell Myself Prior To Blogging

Posted on the 07 October 2014 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
Helene in Between Blogtober
It's a week into the #blogtober14 challenge. I'm still committed to blogging EVERYDAY this month. I love blogging, but it's is something that doesn't come with a manual. I have learned a lot about myself and the blogging world since I have started a few years ago. 

1. Keep your eyes on your own page: Don't compare your story to someones elses. 

2. Be yourself: Write about what you want to write about it. Yes, it will change over time because you will change. 

3. Create a Mission Statement: This will help you with what you want to write about and what you don't. This doesn't have to be anything concrete. It will change because I have changed over the years. 

4. Learn From your Mistakes: I have a learned a lot. Some I am still trying to rebound from, but we all make mistakes. 

5. Time Management/Organization: Having a blog takes a lot of work and a lot of commitment. 

6. Social Media: Have it all and have it match

7. Be Consistent: It goes back to #5. Blogging is a lot of work. We move a lot, and I made a post. Looking back I should have had some other bloggers help out. 

8. Ideas Happen Everywhere: Always care a pen and paper.

9. Photos: Pictures are worth 1000 words. Some say you need a fancy schancy camera, but all mine are from my iphone.

10. Network: Comment on others bloggers and get to know other bloggers. 

What else do you think I should add to this list? 
S I X // 10 Things I'd Tell Myself Prior To Blogging Image Map

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