Serial Termination: A Chilling Dark Serial Killer Crime Thriller (Suspenseful Murder Investigation Novel) by Arnon Edelstein is an enthralling story. It is a dark, chilling, and suspenseful thriller by all aspects. The story is about two investigators falling in love with each other while working on a case together. The case is about a horrifying serial killer. The killer always targets women that too who had abortions at some moment in their life. The killer is brutally killing those women one by one. And after killing his target he throws the body at a busy intersection in the city. The case comes to a female criminologist who takes charge or solving this case. She has a partner in this mission. The other person is a retired military detective. While working on this mysteriously tough case, the duo falls in love. The investigation reaches an intense juncture.
You need to grab Serial Termination: A Chilling Dark Serial Killer Crime Thriller (Suspenseful Murder Investigation Novel) by Arnon Edelstein to enjoy it thoroughly. It is really a suspense why the serial killer targets only women that too falling into a specific category. Is it some kind of mind distortion that spells him do it or there is some other reason behind it? It becomes important for the lady criminologist to read the mind of the killer to get to the crux of the matter. Obviously, it is important to understand his motive. It seems there is a personal reason that motivates killer to do what he is doing. Also, apparently he assumes himself to be God to decide on the fate of his targets. He, in fact, decides whom he should stay alive and whom to kill. It continues until someone decides on the killer’s fate.
Serial Termination Is An Engrossing Thriller
A large brown sack with blood stripes on it is lying at an intersection. A soldier is first to witness it. While he tries to ascertain the suspense two men approach with the same amount of curiosity. They try to figure out what it could be inside the sack. Whether it was a pet or an animal? At the same time, a group of Arab laborers witnesses the same sack. But they are hesitant to get closer and intrigue. Because they are more eager to reach their workplace. Finally, the people present there decide to call police instead of opening the sack on their own. This is just the beginning. There is a lot more to grab in Serial Termination: A Chilling Dark Serial Killer Crime Thriller (Suspenseful Murder Investigation Novel) by Arnon Edelstein.