1. McDonalds. Yep, junk food makes me happy.
and, most importantly,
2. Dale Jr. finished 4th at the Brickyard, taking the points lead in the chase!!! GO DALE!

7 Deadly Sins of Reading
A looooong overdue tag by Mr. Jay. :) Anyone who wants to take this tag, please do so and have fun! :)1) Greed - What is your most expensive/least expensive book?
I have no idea. Maybe my Sookie Stackhouse set…or that insanely expensive cookbook I bought for my mom. lol As for the least expensive...most likely a .99 book that I absolutely loved. :)
2) Wrath - What author do you have a love/hate relationship with?
I don’t think I have a “love/hate” relationship for any author. Wow, I’m such a Pollyanna right now…BUT I seriously mean it. Lol
3) Gluttony - What book have you devoured deliciously over and over with no shame whatsoever?
Hmm. Probably Pride & Prejudice. Two words: Mr. Darcy.
4) Sloth - What book have you neglected to read due to laziness?
I’ll go with Finnegans Wake on this one.
5) Pride - What book do you most talk about in order to sound intellectual?
Ha! I don’t think I’ve ever tried! If I’m talking books, it usually has to do with reminiscing on what we all loved growing up. Other times, book-talk might coincide with a movie adaptation or something along those lines.
6) Lust - What attributes do you find most attractive in male/female characters?
I dearly love humor and quirkiness. I also love characters who overcome their insecurities and fear to find their strength.
7) Envy - What book would you most like to receive as a gift?
I think I’ll let this one stay on my mind’s dream shelf. ;)